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Collapse PEARSON - Karl Pearson PapersPEARSON - Karl Pearson Papers
Expand 1 - Personal and Family Papers1 - Personal and Family Papers
Expand 2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes
Collapse 3 - Literary and Scientific Work3 - Literary and Scientific Work
Expand 1 - Karl Pearson's Notes on Literature1 - Karl Pearson's Notes on Literature
Expand 2 - Karl Pearson's Publications, Privately Circulated or Now Out of Print2 - Karl Pearson's Publications, Privately Circulated or Now Out of Print
Expand 3 - Papers Relating to The Chances of Death and other Studies in Evolution by Karl Pearson3 - Papers Relating to The Chances of Death and other Studies in Evolution by Karl Pearson
Expand 4 - Papers Relating to Die Fronica by Karl Pearson4 - Papers Relating to Die Fronica by Karl Pearson
Expand 5 - Papers Relating to "The Grammar of Science", "The Ethic of Freethought" and "National Life" by Karl Pearson5 - Papers Relating to "The Grammar of Science", "The Ethic of Freethought" and "National Life" by Karl Pearson
Expand 6 - Working Papers on Frequency Curves, Variability, Correlation, Evolution, Epidemiology and Contingency6 - Working Papers on Frequency Curves, Variability, Correlation, Evolution, Epidemiology and Contingency
Expand 7 - Papers on Karl Pearson's Astronomical Work7 - Papers on Karl Pearson's Astronomical Work
Expand 8 - Working Papers on the Resemblance of Cousins8 - Working Papers on the Resemblance of Cousins
Expand 9 - Karl Pearson's Work on Tuberculosis9 - Karl Pearson's Work on Tuberculosis
Collapse 10 - Karl Pearson's Work on the Inheritance of Diseases and Insanity10 - Karl Pearson's Work on the Inheritance of Diseases and Insanity
1 - Schedules for the Hereditary Transmission of Special Diseases
2 - Correspondence about Schedules on the Hereditary Transmission of Diseases
3 - Letters from William Courtnay Rivers Concerning the Inheritance of Diseases, Particularly Tuberculosis
4 - Letter from Sir Thomas Lewis
Expand 5 - Papers Relating to Request for Aid in Relation to Schedules on Transmission of Hereditary Diseases5 - Papers Relating to Request for Aid in Relation to Schedules on Transmission of Hereditary Diseases
Expand 6 - Completed Schedules and Correspondence 16 - Completed Schedules and Correspondence 1
Expand 7 - Completed schedules and correspondence 27 - Completed schedules and correspondence 2
8 - Correspondence on the Inheritance of Insanity
9 - Pearson's Draft Schedule for Children with Learning Difficulties
Expand 10 - Asylum Data Collated by Amy Barrington10 - Asylum Data Collated by Amy Barrington
11 - Correspondence Concerning Learning Difficulties
12 - Detailed Notes about so-called "Individuals with Defects"
13 - Amy Barrington's Work on Data from the Royal Albert Institution
14 - Notes on Brainweights of the Insane from Sir James Crichton-Brown's Data
15 - Eugene L Fiske's Data
16 - Case Studies of Learning Difficulties
Expand 17 - Papers Relating to "The Theory of Ancestral Contributors in Heredity"17 - Papers Relating to "The Theory of Ancestral Contributors in Heredity"
18 - Papers Relating to "Nature and Nurture, the Problem of the Future"
Expand 19 - Papers Relating to "On the Handicapping of the First-Born"19 - Papers Relating to "On the Handicapping of the First-Born"
Expand 20 - Papers Relating to "On the Continuity of the Mental Defect" 20 - Papers Relating to "On the Continuity of the Mental Defect"
Expand 21 - Letters Regarding Inheritance21 - Letters Regarding Inheritance
22 - Letters Regarding Contributions to the Treasury of Human Inheritance
Expand 23 - Indexes to Colour Blindness Pedigrees and Literature23 - Indexes to Colour Blindness Pedigrees and Literature
Collapse 24 - Report and Data "On the Inheritance of Disease and of Certain Psychical Characters"24 - Report and Data "On the Inheritance of Disease and of Certain Psychical Characters"
11 - Karl Pearson's Article on Germany
Expand 12 - Papers Relating to Tables for Statisticians and Biometricians12 - Papers Relating to Tables for Statisticians and Biometricians
Expand 13 - Papers on Albinism13 - Papers on Albinism
Expand 14 - Papers on Various Statistical Problems, "Tables of the Gamma Function", and "Tables of the Beta Function"14 - Papers on Various Statistical Problems, "Tables of the Gamma Function", and "Tables of the Beta Function"
Expand 15 - Further Galton Laboratory Work15 - Further Galton Laboratory Work
Expand 16 - Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Social Life of the Child16 - Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Social Life of the Child
Expand 17 - Research into Coat Colour in Horses17 - Research into Coat Colour in Horses
Expand 4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics
Expand 5 - Weldon Papers5 - Weldon Papers
Expand 6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers
Expand 7 - Biometrika Papers7 - Biometrika Papers
Expand 8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
Expand 9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers
Expand 10 - Acquired Papers10 - Acquired Papers
Expand 11 - General Correspondence11 - General Correspondence