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PEARSON - Karl Pearson Papers
1 - Personal and Family Papers
2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes
3 - Literary and Scientific Work
1 - Karl Pearson's Notes on Literature
2 - Karl Pearson's Publications, Privately Circulated or Now Out of Print
3 - Papers Relating to The Chances of Death and other Studies in Evolution by Karl Pearson
4 - Papers Relating to Die Fronica by Karl Pearson
5 - Papers Relating to "The Grammar of Science", "The Ethic of Freethought" and "National Life" by Karl Pearson
6 - Working Papers on Frequency Curves, Variability, Correlation, Evolution, Epidemiology and Contingency
7 - Papers on Karl Pearson's Astronomical Work
8 - Working Papers on the Resemblance of Cousins
9 - Karl Pearson's Work on Tuberculosis
10 - Karl Pearson's Work on the Inheritance of Diseases and Insanity
11 - Karl Pearson's Article on Germany
12 - Papers Relating to Tables for Statisticians and Biometricians
13 - Papers on Albinism
1 - Papers Relating to Albinism in Man
2 - Papers Relating to Enquiry on Albinism in Man and Animals
3 - Photographs and Illustrations Relating to Albinism in Man
4 - Letters - A
5 - Letters - B-Barn
6 - Letters from Amy Barrington
7 - Letters - Bar-Bl
8 - Letters - Bl-Br
9 - Letters - Bu
10 - Letters - Ca-Cl
11 - Letters from George Coats
12 - Letters - Co-Cr
13 - Letters from Millais Culpin
14 - Letters - Da-Do
15 - Letters - Ec-En
16 - Letters - Fa-Fl
17 - Letters - Ga-Gl
18 - Letters - Go
19 - Letters from George Gould
20 - Letters - Gr-Gu
21 - Letters - Ha-Hi
22 - Letters - Ho-Hu
23 - Letters - Hu
24 - Letters - I-Ki
25 - Letters - La-Lo
26 - Letters - Mc-Mac
27 - Letters from Vilhelm Magnus
28 - Letters - Ma-Mil
29 - Letters - Mit-Mu
30 - Letter from National Institution and Molyneux Asylum
31 - Letter from Edward Nettleship to J J Evans
32 - Letters from Edward Nettleship to Karl Pearson 1
33 - Letters from Edward Nettleship to Karl Pearson 2
34 - Letters from Edward Nettleship to Karl Pearson 3
35 - Letters from Edward Nettleship to Karl Pearson 4
36 - Letters from Edward Nettleship to Karl Pearson 5
37 - Letters from Edward Nettleship to Karl Pearson 6
38 - Letters from Edward Nettleship to Karl Pearson 7
39 - Letters from Edward Nettleship to Karl Pearson 8
40 - Letters - N
41 - Letters - O
42 - Letters - Pa
43 - Letters from Karl Pearson 1
44 - Letters from Karl Pearson 2
45 - Letters from Karl Pearson 3
46 - Letters from Karl Pearson 4
47 - Letters from Karl Pearson 5
48 - Letters from Karl Pearson 6
49 - Letters from Karl Pearson 7
50 - Letters - Pen-Po
51 - Letters - Ra-Ren
52 - Letters - Rey-Ro
53 - Letters - Rob
54 - Letters - Rol-Roy
55 - Letters from Kathleen Ryley
56 - Letters from James Sabey
57 - Letters - Sc
58 - Letters - Sh-Sm
59 - Letters - So-St
60 - Letters from Hugh S Stannus
61 - Letters - St-Sw
62 - Letters from Waren Tay
63 - Letters from Alexander Philip Thom
64 - Letters - Th
65 - Letters from E Y Thomson
66 - Postcard from Dr Thrler to Lina Eckenstein
67 - Letters from George Albert Turner
68 - Letters from Tw-Ty
69 - Letters from Charles Howard Usher 1
70 - Letters from Charles Howard Usher 2
71 - Letters from Charles Howard Usher 3
72 - Letters from Charles Howard Usher 4
73 - Letters from Charles Howard Usher 5
74 - Letters from Charles Howard Usher 6
75 - Letters from Charles Howard Usher 7
76 - Letters from Charles Howard Usher 8
77 - Letters from Charles Howard Usher 9
78 - Letters from Charles Howard Usher 10
79 - Letters from M L Usher to E Nettleship
80 - Letters from Professor Verneau
81 - Letters - Wa-Wi
82 - Letters from C E Wilson
83 - Letters from T Windsor
84 - Letters - Wo-Wr
85 - Letters - Y-Z
14 - Papers on Various Statistical Problems, "Tables of the Gamma Function", and "Tables of the Beta Function"
15 - Further Galton Laboratory Work
16 - Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Social Life of the Child
17 - Research into Coat Colour in Horses
4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics
5 - Weldon Papers
6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers
7 - Biometrika Papers
8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers
10 - Acquired Papers
11 - General Correspondence