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Collapse PEARSON - Karl Pearson PapersPEARSON - Karl Pearson Papers
Expand 1 - Personal and Family Papers1 - Personal and Family Papers
Expand 2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes
Collapse 3 - Literary and Scientific Work3 - Literary and Scientific Work
Expand 1 - Karl Pearson's Notes on Literature1 - Karl Pearson's Notes on Literature
Expand 2 - Karl Pearson's Publications, Privately Circulated or Now Out of Print2 - Karl Pearson's Publications, Privately Circulated or Now Out of Print
Expand 3 - Papers Relating to The Chances of Death and other Studies in Evolution by Karl Pearson3 - Papers Relating to The Chances of Death and other Studies in Evolution by Karl Pearson
Expand 4 - Papers Relating to Die Fronica by Karl Pearson4 - Papers Relating to Die Fronica by Karl Pearson
Expand 5 - Papers Relating to "The Grammar of Science", "The Ethic of Freethought" and "National Life" by Karl Pearson5 - Papers Relating to "The Grammar of Science", "The Ethic of Freethought" and "National Life" by Karl Pearson
Collapse 6 - Working Papers on Frequency Curves, Variability, Correlation, Evolution, Epidemiology and Contingency6 - Working Papers on Frequency Curves, Variability, Correlation, Evolution, Epidemiology and Contingency
1 - Pearson's Working Papers on Skew Curves and Other Items
2 - Pearson's Working Papers on Mortality Curves, Skew Frequency Curves with Data
Expand 3 - Graphs and Calculations3 - Graphs and Calculations
4 - Moments and Graphs, Epidemiological Data, Mainly by George Udny Yule for First and Second Memoir on Evolution
5 - Papers Relating to Pearson's "Note on Regression and Inheritance"
Expand 6 - Papers Relating to "Note on Reproductive Selection"6 - Papers Relating to "Note on Reproductive Selection"
7 - Calculations of Means
8 - Calculation for "Spurious Correlation in Skull Indices"
Expand 9 - Graphs and Calculations for Skew Curves9 - Graphs and Calculations for Skew Curves
Expand 10 - Papers Relating to "On the Principle of Homotyposis and its Relation to Heredity..." by Karl Pearson and Others10 - Papers Relating to "On the Principle of Homotyposis and its Relation to Heredity..." by Karl Pearson and Others
Expand 11 - Data for "Homotyposis in the vegetable kingdom"11 - Data for "Homotyposis in the vegetable kingdom"
Expand 12 - Papers Relating to Unpublished Research on Spines of Leaves 12 - Papers Relating to Unpublished Research on Spines of Leaves
Expand 13 - Papers Relating to Daisy Petals13 - Papers Relating to Daisy Petals
14 - Data for Medusa Pseudoclytia Pentata
Collapse 15 - Papers Relating to Pearson's Paper "On the Influence of Natural Selection on the Variability and Correlation of Organs"15 - Papers Relating to Pearson's Paper "On the Influence of Natural Selection on the Variability and Correlation of Organs"
Expand 16 - Papers Relating to "On the Theory of Contingency and its Relation to Association and Normal Correlation"16 - Papers Relating to "On the Theory of Contingency and its Relation to Association and Normal Correlation"
Expand 17 - Papers Relating to Skew Correlation17 - Papers Relating to Skew Correlation
Expand 18 - Papers Relating to <i>Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution XV</i>18 - Papers Relating to Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution XV
19 - Letters from Geoffrey T Bennett
Expand 20 - Papers from John Blakeman on the "Random Walk" Problem20 - Papers from John Blakeman on the "Random Walk" Problem
21 - Letters from Micaiah John Muller Hillon
22 - Letters from Sir Ronald Ross
23 - Letter from John William Strut, 3rd Baron Rayleigh
Expand 24 - Manuscript Papers on the Correlation from a Fourfold Table24 - Manuscript Papers on the Correlation from a Fourfold Table
25 - Pearson's Manuscript "On Further Methods of Determining Correlation"
Expand 26 - Grades Methods26 - Grades Methods
Expand 27 - Papers Relating to "Calculation of the G Integrals"27 - Papers Relating to "Calculation of the G Integrals"
Expand 28 - Papers Relating to "On the Distribution of Frequency (Variation and Correlation) of the Barometric Height at Divers Stations"28 - Papers Relating to "On the Distribution of Frequency (Variation and Correlation) of the Barometric Height at Divers Stations"
Expand 29 - Papers Relating to "Data for the Problem of Evolution in Man, I. A First Study of the Variability and Correlation of the Hand"29 - Papers Relating to "Data for the Problem of Evolution in Man, I. A First Study of the Variability and Correlation of the Hand"
30 - Papers Relating to "On the Magnitude of Certain Coefficients of Correlation in Man"
Expand 31 - Images Relating to "On the Vibrations in the Field round a Theoretical Hertzian Oscillator"31 - Images Relating to "On the Vibrations in the Field round a Theoretical Hertzian Oscillator"
32 - Manuscript "Particulars as to the Constitution and History of University Hall" by Karl Pearson
Expand 33 - Papers Relating to "On a Mathematical Theory of Errors and Judgement, with Special Reference to the Personal Equation"33 - Papers Relating to "On a Mathematical Theory of Errors and Judgement, with Special Reference to the Personal Equation"
34 - Papers Relating to Work on Vision and Head Measurements of Students Measured at the Anthropoletric Laboratory, University College London
Expand 35 - Papers Relating to "Correlation, Lenticular and General Refractions and Astigmatisms" and "Note on Lenticular Astigmatism"35 - Papers Relating to "Correlation, Lenticular and General Refractions and Astigmatisms" and "Note on Lenticular Astigmatism"
36 - Pearson's Working Papers on a Growth Curve for Children's Heights
Expand 37 - Papers Relating Visual Acuity and the Study of Hebrew in Children37 - Papers Relating Visual Acuity and the Study of Hebrew in Children
38 - Reviews of Pearson's National Life from the Standpoint of Science
39 - Proof of Pearson's "The Function of Science in the Modern State" for the 'Encyclopaedia Britannica
40 - Papers on Prepotency in Percheron Horses
41 - Papers Relating to Pearson's Work on Alcoholism in Reply to Medical Critics
Expand 42 - Papers Relating to Pearson's Work on Skull Measurements of Homo Sapiens42 - Papers Relating to Pearson's Work on Skull Measurements of Homo Sapiens
43 - Pearson's Notes entitled "On Second Moments"
44 - Notes by Pearson on Attempt to Fit a Curve of Type I by Least Squares
45 - Unpublished Manuscript on Pure Line Inheritance by Karl Pearson
Expand 46 - Papers Relating to Distribution of Disease46 - Papers Relating to Distribution of Disease
Expand 47 - Papers Relating to Equations for an Elastic Solid47 - Papers Relating to Equations for an Elastic Solid
Expand 48 - Manuscript "On the Interpretation of Correlation between Ratios or Indices" by Karl Pearson48 - Manuscript "On the Interpretation of Correlation between Ratios or Indices" by Karl Pearson
49 - Calculations on First Attempt to Fit Data with Hyperbolic Growth Curve by Karl Pearson
Expand 50 - Papers Relating to "On the Reconstruction of Cranial Capacity from External Mesurements"50 - Papers Relating to "On the Reconstruction of Cranial Capacity from External Mesurements"
51 - Pearson's Algebra for the Expansion of x in Powers of ½
Expand 52 - De Moivre Theory of Annuities52 - De Moivre Theory of Annuities
53 - Pearson's Calculations on the Expectation of Life from German Life Tables
54 - Papers Relating to Drapers' Company Research Memoirs
Expand 55 - Papers Relating to "On Some Disregarded Points in the Stability of Masonry Dams"55 - Papers Relating to "On Some Disregarded Points in the Stability of Masonry Dams"
Expand 56 - Papers Relating to "An Experimental Study of the Stress in Masonry Dams"56 - Papers Relating to "An Experimental Study of the Stress in Masonry Dams"
Expand 57 - Alan Faraday Campbell Pollard's Working Papers57 - Alan Faraday Campbell Pollard's Working Papers
Expand 58 - Papers Relating to "Report on Certain Enteric Fever Inoculation Statistics"58 - Papers Relating to "Report on Certain Enteric Fever Inoculation Statistics"
59 - Manuscript "Mendel's Law of Hybrids" by Karl Pearson
60 - Press Cuttings Relating to Pearson's Lecture on "The Inheritance of the Physical, Moral and Intellectual Characters in Man"
Expand 61 - Papers Relating to "On the Correlation of Fertility with Social Value"61 - Papers Relating to "On the Correlation of Fertility with Social Value"
Expand 7 - Papers on Karl Pearson's Astronomical Work7 - Papers on Karl Pearson's Astronomical Work
Expand 8 - Working Papers on the Resemblance of Cousins8 - Working Papers on the Resemblance of Cousins
Expand 9 - Karl Pearson's Work on Tuberculosis9 - Karl Pearson's Work on Tuberculosis
Expand 10 - Karl Pearson's Work on the Inheritance of Diseases and Insanity10 - Karl Pearson's Work on the Inheritance of Diseases and Insanity
11 - Karl Pearson's Article on Germany
Expand 12 - Papers Relating to Tables for Statisticians and Biometricians12 - Papers Relating to Tables for Statisticians and Biometricians
Expand 13 - Papers on Albinism13 - Papers on Albinism
Expand 14 - Papers on Various Statistical Problems, "Tables of the Gamma Function", and "Tables of the Beta Function"14 - Papers on Various Statistical Problems, "Tables of the Gamma Function", and "Tables of the Beta Function"
Expand 15 - Further Galton Laboratory Work15 - Further Galton Laboratory Work
Expand 16 - Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Social Life of the Child16 - Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Social Life of the Child
Expand 17 - Research into Coat Colour in Horses17 - Research into Coat Colour in Horses
Expand 4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics
Expand 5 - Weldon Papers5 - Weldon Papers
Expand 6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers
Expand 7 - Biometrika Papers7 - Biometrika Papers
Expand 8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
Expand 9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers
Expand 10 - Acquired Papers10 - Acquired Papers
Expand 11 - General Correspondence11 - General Correspondence