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PEARSON - Karl Pearson Papers
1 - Personal and Family Papers
2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes
3 - Literary and Scientific Work
4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics
1 - Photographs of Statistical and Anthropometric Collections and Displays
2 - Diagrams of Generalised and Compound Frequency Curves
3 - Lecture Notes and Exam Papers for Statistics, Graphics, and Astronomy Courses
4 - Reports of the Department of Applied Statistics
5 - Eugenics Records Office Advisory Meeting Minutes, Agendas and Circulars
6 - Reports Regarding the Francis Galton Laboratory for the Study of National Eugenics
7 - Letters from Karl Pearson to Edward Wheler-Galton Regarding the Galton Bequest
8 - Reports of the Francis Galton Laboratory Committee
1 - Report of the Francis Galton Laboratory Committee, 1911
2 - Report Regarding the Galton Bequest
3 - Resolutions of the Board of Advisors in Eugenics
9 - Papers Relating to the Galton Laboratory Appeal Fund
10 - Minutes of the University College London Committee Regarding an Anonymous Donation
11 - Papers Relating to Proposed Sites for the Galton Laboratory
12 - Letters from Agnes Walpole to Karl Pearson
13 - Correspondence Regarding Finances and Management of the Galton Laboratory
14 - Letter from Edward Galton Wheler-Galton to Karl Pearson
15 - Department of Applied Statistics Accounts and Appeal Fund Papers
16 - Galton and Drapers' Laboratory Accounts and Financial Reports
17 - Pearson's Journal of the Galton Laboratory
18 - Programme of the Opening of the Bartlett Building, Plus Funding Appeals
19 - Circulars for Public Lectures and the Eugenics Education Society
20 - Papers and Correspondence Concerning Furniture and Instruments
21 - Letters Regarding Staff Appointments
22 - Papers Regarding Taught and Research Programmes
23 - Notes and Data for Examination Papers
24 - Papers Regarding the Crewdson Benington Studentship
25 - Papers of the Society of Biometricians and Mathematical Statisticians
26 - Appeal for Funds to Maintain the Institute of Applied Statistics, the Biometric and Galton Laboratories
27 - Correspondence Regarding the Proposed Animal House
28 - Papers Relating to Salaries for the Department of Applied Statistics and Eugenics
29 - Karl Pearson's Resignation, and the Proposed Division of the Department of Statistics and Eugenics
5 - Weldon Papers
6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers
7 - Biometrika Papers
8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers
10 - Acquired Papers
11 - General Correspondence