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Collapse PEARSON - Karl Pearson PapersPEARSON - Karl Pearson Papers
Expand 1 - Personal and Family Papers1 - Personal and Family Papers
Expand 2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes
Expand 3 - Literary and Scientific Work3 - Literary and Scientific Work
Expand 4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics
Expand 5 - Weldon Papers5 - Weldon Papers
Expand 6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers
Collapse 7 - Biometrika Papers7 - Biometrika Papers
Expand 1 - Papers Relating to the Publication of the Earliest Volumes of <i>Biometrika</i>1 - Papers Relating to the Publication of the Earliest Volumes of Biometrika
Expand 2 - Papers Relating to <i>Biometrika</i>2 - Papers Relating to Biometrika
Expand 3 - Papers Relating to "On the Inheritance of Duration of Life"3 - Papers Relating to "On the Inheritance of Duration of Life"
4 - Manuscript "Statoblasts of Pectinatella Magnifica" by Karl Pearson
5 - Papers Relating to "Tables of X2"
6 - Manuscript "Variations of the Sparrow" by Karl Pearson
7 - Manuscript "On the Modal Value of the Organ or Character" by Karl Pearson
8 - Working Papers on Curve Fitting, etc.
Expand 9 - Papers on the Correlation in the Hand9 - Papers on the Correlation in the Hand
Expand 10 - Papers on Coat-Colour of Horses10 - Papers on Coat-Colour of Horses
11 - Manuscript "Local Death Rates" by G U Yule
12 - Manuscript "Intervals between first and second prizemen in a competition for "n" candidates" by Karl Pearson
Expand 13 - Papers Relating to the Inheritance in the Shirley Poppy, etc.13 - Papers Relating to the Inheritance in the Shirley Poppy, etc.
14 - Correlation Tables and Calculations for A D Darbishire's Paper on Hybrids of Albino and Waltzing Mice
Expand 15 - Papers Relating to the Lesser Celandine15 - Papers Relating to the Lesser Celandine
16 - Data and Calculations on Nigella Hispanica
17 - Manuscript of W F Sheppard's Tables of the Normal Curve
18 - Papers Relating to William Palin Elderton's Sickness Curve Tables
Expand 19 - Papers Relating to the Inheritance of Physical Characters in Man19 - Papers Relating to the Inheritance of Physical Characters in Man
Expand 20 - Data Schedules for Collateral Hereditary Investigation on Inheritance of Physical Characters20 - Data Schedules for Collateral Hereditary Investigation on Inheritance of Physical Characters
Expand 21 - Papers Relating to Measurements on Criminals21 - Papers Relating to Measurements on Criminals
Expand 22 - Papers Relating to the Inheritance of Mental and Moral Characters in Man22 - Papers Relating to the Inheritance of Mental and Moral Characters in Man
Expand 23 - Papers Relating to Coat-Colour in Greyhounds23 - Papers Relating to Coat-Colour in Greyhounds
Expand 24 - Papers Relating to R C Punnett's Paper on <i>Spinax Niger</i> (Sharks)24 - Papers Relating to R C Punnett's Paper on Spinax Niger (Sharks)
Expand 25 - Papers Relating to Hair and Eye-Colour in Man25 - Papers Relating to Hair and Eye-Colour in Man
Expand 26 - Papers Relating to Hybrids of Albino and House Mice26 - Papers Relating to Hybrids of Albino and House Mice
Expand 27 - Papers Relating to Coat-Colour in Cattle27 - Papers Relating to Coat-Colour in Cattle
Expand 28 - Data Schedules for Coat-Colour in Cattle28 - Data Schedules for Coat-Colour in Cattle
Expand 29 - Papers Relating to Pearson's Article on Walter Frank Raphael Weldon29 - Papers Relating to Pearson's Article on Walter Frank Raphael Weldon
30 - Calculations for Paper on Sex Ratio by F A Woods
Expand 31 - Papers Relating to the Relationship of Intelligence to Size and Shape of Head31 - Papers Relating to the Relationship of Intelligence to Size and Shape of Head
Expand 32 - Papers Relating to the Intelligence to Size and Shape of Head of Female Cambridge Undergraduates32 - Papers Relating to the Intelligence to Size and Shape of Head of Female Cambridge Undergraduates
Expand 33 - Papers Relating to Anthropometric Characteristics of the Inmates of Asylums in Scotland33 - Papers Relating to Anthropometric Characteristics of the Inmates of Asylums in Scotland
Expand 34 - Papers Relating to Wasps34 - Papers Relating to Wasps
Expand 35 - Papers Relating to Sex Ratio and Size of Litter in Mice35 - Papers Relating to Sex Ratio and Size of Litter in Mice
Expand 36 - Papers Relating to the Inheritance of Ectrodactyly36 - Papers Relating to the Inheritance of Ectrodactyly
Expand 37 - Papers Relating to Skin Colour37 - Papers Relating to Skin Colour
Expand 38 - Papers Relating to the Red Blood Corpuscles of the Tadpole38 - Papers Relating to the Red Blood Corpuscles of the Tadpole
39 - Papers Relating to Fowl
40 - Papers Relating to Fecundity of Swine
41 - Papers Relating to J Brownlee
42 - Papers on Canary Breeding by A R Galloway
Expand 43 - Papers Relating to Wasps43 - Papers Relating to Wasps
44 - Papers Relating to Leucosis in a Hen
45 - Papers Relating to Cancer Deathrates
46 - Calculations of Correlation on Hydra
47 - Letter from W P Elderton to Karl Pearson
Expand 48 - Papers on Rainfall and Malaria Deaths48 - Papers on Rainfall and Malaria Deaths
Expand 49 - Papers Relating to Tetrachoric Functions by P F Everitt49 - Papers Relating to Tetrachoric Functions by P F Everitt
50 - Papers Relating to the "Opsonic Index"
Expand 51 - Papers Relating to Index Distributions51 - Papers Relating to Index Distributions
52 - Papers Relating to Intelligence of Schoolchildren
53 - Papers Relating to Head Measurements of Royal Engineers
Expand 54 - Papers Relating to the "Opsonic Index"54 - Papers Relating to the "Opsonic Index"
55 - Julia Bell's Work on Krosy's Data on Pulse and Breathing Rates
56 - Correspondence Relating to Paper on "Cancer Houses"
57 - Notebook of Cases of Malignant Diseases
58 - Graphs and Plates for H E Soper's Paper on the Probable Error of the Correlation Coefficient
Expand 59 - Papers Relating to "Theories of Association"59 - Papers Relating to "Theories of Association"
Expand 60 - Papers Relating to "Theories of Association"60 - Papers Relating to "Theories of Association"
61 - Calculations for "On the Hereditary Character of General Health" by Karl Pearson and Ethel M Elderton
Expand 62 - Papers Relating to "Anomalies of Pigmentation Among Natives of Nyasaland"62 - Papers Relating to "Anomalies of Pigmentation Among Natives of Nyasaland"
63 - Papers Relating to Expectation of Life in Ancient Rome
Expand 64 - Papers Relating to Inheritance of Ectrodactyly64 - Papers Relating to Inheritance of Ectrodactyly
Expand 65 - Papers Relating to Nasal Bridge of Apes65 - Papers Relating to Nasal Bridge of Apes
Expand 66 - Papers Relating to Intra-Class Correlation66 - Papers Relating to Intra-Class Correlation
Expand 67 - Papers for "The Measurements of the Pelvis" by D H de Souza67 - Papers for "The Measurements of the Pelvis" by D H de Souza
Expand 68 - Papers Relating to Diets68 - Papers Relating to Diets
69 - Photographs of Models of Surfaces of Constant Association
70 - Letter to Karl Pearson from Hubert Maitland Turnbull
Expand 71 - Papers Relating to "Congenital Anomalies in a Native African Race"71 - Papers Relating to "Congenital Anomalies in a Native African Race"
72 - Manuscript "Tables of Poisson's Exponential Binomial Limit" by H E Soper
Expand 73 - Papers Relating to "On the Poisson's Law of Small Numbers" by Lucy Whitaker73 - Papers Relating to "On the Poisson's Law of Small Numbers" by Lucy Whitaker
Expand 74 - Papers Relating to Trypanosome Strains74 - Papers Relating to Trypanosome Strains
Expand 75 - Papers Relating to Homotyposis and Terns' Eggs 75 - Papers Relating to Homotyposis and Terns' Eggs
76 - Manuscript "The Statistical Study of Dietaries. A Rejoinder" by Karl Pearson
77 - Manuscript on the Essential Conditions for a Breeding Population
Expand 78 - Paper Relating to Spurious Correlation78 - Paper Relating to Spurious Correlation
79 - Papers Relating to Human Piebaldism
80 - Manuscript "Note on Infantile Mortality and Employment of Women" by Ethel Elderton
Expand 81 - Papers Relating to Piebald Family81 - Papers Relating to Piebald Family
Expand 82 - Papers Relating to Facial Markings of Wasps82 - Papers Relating to Facial Markings of Wasps
83 - Manuscript "Numerical Illustrations of the Variate Difference Method" by Karl Pearson and Beatrice Cave
84 - Papers Relating to Inheritance of Insanity
Expand 85 - Papers Relating to "Association of Fingerprints"85 - Papers Relating to "Association of Fingerprints"
Expand 86 - Papers Relating to Isolation on Diphtheria Attack and Death Rates86 - Papers Relating to Isolation on Diphtheria Attack and Death Rates
Expand 87 - Papers Relating to Mice Breeding Experiments87 - Papers Relating to Mice Breeding Experiments
Expand 88 - Papers Relating to Mice Breeding Experiments88 - Papers Relating to Mice Breeding Experiments
Expand 89 - Papers Relating to Criminal Anthropometry89 - Papers Relating to Criminal Anthropometry
Expand 90 - Papers Relating to Correlation Surface90 - Papers Relating to Correlation Surface
Expand 91 - Papers Relating to "On the Fundamental Problem of Practical Statistics"91 - Papers Relating to "On the Fundamental Problem of Practical Statistics"
92 - Papers Relating to Eye Colour
Expand 93 - Papers Relating to Sesamoids of the Kneejoint93 - Papers Relating to Sesamoids of the Kneejoint
94 - Papers Relating to Random Occurences in Space and Time
95 - Papers Relating to Paper on Polychoric Coefficients of Correlation
Expand 96 - Papers Relating to Tetrachoric Functions96 - Papers Relating to Tetrachoric Functions
Expand 97 - Papers Relating to Variate Difference Method97 - Papers Relating to Variate Difference Method
98 - Papers Relating to Human Fertility
Expand 99 - Papers Relating to Skew Correlation Surface99 - Papers Relating to Skew Correlation Surface
Expand 100 - Papers Relating to Digital Anomaly100 - Papers Relating to Digital Anomaly
Expand 101 - Papers Relating to Sir Thomas Browne101 - Papers Relating to Sir Thomas Browne
Expand 102 - Correspondence and List of Subscribers for Mongraph on Sir Thomas Browne102 - Correspondence and List of Subscribers for Mongraph on Sir Thomas Browne
103 - Papers Relating to Publication of "Sir Thomas Browne"
Expand 104 - Papers Relating to Sir Thomas Browne (d 1682)104 - Papers Relating to Sir Thomas Browne (d 1682)
105 - Diagrams for Paper on Natural Selection and the Age and Area Theory by E S Pearson
Expand 106 - Papers Relating to the Biometrical Studies of Russians106 - Papers Relating to the Biometrical Studies of Russians
Expand 107 - Papers Relating to Terns' Eggs by J O Irwin, D M S Watson and others107 - Papers Relating to Terns' Eggs by J O Irwin, D M S Watson and others
108 - Calculations On Reaction Times to Sight and Sound
109 - Correlation Calculations on Cephalic Indices by L H C Tippett and Karl Pearson
Expand 110 - Papers Relating to Whist Deals110 - Papers Relating to Whist Deals
Expand 111 - Papers Relating to a Hybrid of Digitalis (Foxgloves)111 - Papers Relating to a Hybrid of Digitalis (Foxgloves)
Expand 112 - Papers Relating to Robert the Bruce112 - Papers Relating to Robert the Bruce
Expand 113 - Paper by R de Montessus de Ballore113 - Paper by R de Montessus de Ballore
114 - Plates and Photographs of a Portrait of Abraham de Moivre
Expand 115 - Manuscript and Notes for Paper by J Wishart115 - Manuscript and Notes for Paper by J Wishart
Expand 116 - Papers Relating to Francis Galton's Difference Problem116 - Papers Relating to Francis Galton's Difference Problem
Expand 117 - Papers Relating to "On the Multiple Correlation of Brothers" by Karl Pearson117 - Papers Relating to "On the Multiple Correlation of Brothers" by Karl Pearson
Expand 118 - Papers Relating to "Further Contribution to the Theory of Small Samples" by Karl Pearson118 - Papers Relating to "Further Contribution to the Theory of Small Samples" by Karl Pearson
Expand 119 - Papers Relating to "The Fifteen Constant Bivariate Frequency Surface" by Karl Pearson119 - Papers Relating to "The Fifteen Constant Bivariate Frequency Surface" by Karl Pearson
Expand 120 - Diagrams for Paper on Range and Standard Deviations by L H C Tippett120 - Diagrams for Paper on Range and Standard Deviations by L H C Tippett
121 - Notes for Paper "On First Power Methods of Finding Correlation" by Karl Pearson
122 - Photograph and Negative of Portrait of Edmond Halley
Expand 123 - Papers Relating to Skulls123 - Papers Relating to Skulls
Expand 124 - Papers Relating to Racial Likeness124 - Papers Relating to Racial Likeness
Expand 125 - Photographs of Skulls of Saint Magnus and Saint Rognvald by R W Reid125 - Photographs of Skulls of Saint Magnus and Saint Rognvald by R W Reid
126 - Notes by Pearson on J R Musselman's Paper
127 - Photograph and Negative of Portrait of Alexander Tchouproff
Expand 128 - "On the Skull and Portraits of George Buchanan" by Karl Pearson 128 - "On the Skull and Portraits of George Buchanan" by Karl Pearson
Expand 129 - Papers Relating to "On the Skull and Portraits of George Buchanan" by Karl Pearson129 - Papers Relating to "On the Skull and Portraits of George Buchanan" by Karl Pearson
130 - Correspondence Relating to Pearson's Paper on George Buchanan
131 - Manuscript "Further Notes on Non-Linear Regression" by J Neyman
Expand 132 - Papers Relating to Sample Means and Variances132 - Papers Relating to Sample Means and Variances
133 - Manuscript for Paper on the Correlation of the Mean and Variance by J Neyman
134 - Manuscript "On Partial Multiple Correlation Coefficients in a Universe of Manifold Characteristics" by M Tappan
135 - Manuscript "On Criticism for Factorising Correlated Variables" by Stuart C Dodd
136 - Manuscript on Variate Difference Method by O Anderson
Expand 137 - Papers Relating to Routine Analysis137 - Papers Relating to Routine Analysis
Expand 138 - Papers on "Dextrality and Sinistrality of Hand and Eye" by T L Woo and Karl Pearson138 - Papers on "Dextrality and Sinistrality of Hand and Eye" by T L Woo and Karl Pearson
139 - Manuscript "Another Historical Note on the Problem of Small Samples" by Karl Pearson
140 - Manuscript on Distribution of Standard Deviations by Karl Pearson
141 - Working Papers of M Moul for Paper on Sampling Errors
Expand 142 - Papers Relating to the Distribution of Index142 - Papers Relating to the Distribution of Index
Expand 143 - Papers Relating to Significance Tests143 - Papers Relating to Significance Tests
144 - Photograph and Negative of Portrait of Richard Price
145 - Diagrams of Length of Reign of European Kings
Expand 146 - Papers Relating to Multiple Regression146 - Papers Relating to Multiple Regression
Expand 147 - Papers on Curve of Means for Type III147 - Papers on Curve of Means for Type III
148 - Diagrams and Plates for Paper on Samples from a Skew Population by "Sophister"
149 - Manuscript "The Skull and Portraits of Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley" by Karl Pearson
Expand 150 - Working Papers on Lord Darnley150 - Working Papers on Lord Darnley
Expand 151 - Images of Lord Darnley and Related Material151 - Images of Lord Darnley and Related Material
152 - Correspondence about Pearson's Paper on Lord Darnley
Expand 153 - Casts of Ryals of Mary, Queen of Scots and Lord Darnley for Pearson's Paper on Lord Darnley153 - Casts of Ryals of Mary, Queen of Scots and Lord Darnley for Pearson's Paper on Lord Darnley
154 - Plates for Paper on European Races by G M Morant
Expand 155 - Papers Relating to Correlation Ratio by T Woo155 - Papers Relating to Correlation Ratio by T Woo
Expand 156 - Papers Relating to the Coefficient of Variation156 - Papers Relating to the Coefficient of Variation
Expand 157 - Papers Relating to Albinism in Dogs157 - Papers Relating to Albinism in Dogs
Expand 158 - Papers Relating to Albinism in Dogs158 - Papers Relating to Albinism in Dogs
159 - Diagrams for Paper on Internal Diameter of the Skull
Expand 160 - Diagrams for Paper on First Product Moment-Coefficient 160 - Diagrams for Paper on First Product Moment-Coefficient
Expand 161 - Manuscript "Les Origines de Laplace" by G A Simon161 - Manuscript "Les Origines de Laplace" by G A Simon
Expand 162 - Papers Relating to Laplace162 - Papers Relating to Laplace
163 - Diagrams for Paper on Distribution of "Students" by E S Pearson and N K Adyanthaya
Expand 164 - Papers on Sampling from Type III Population by CC Craig and E S Pearson164 - Papers on Sampling from Type III Population by CC Craig and E S Pearson
Expand 165 - Papers Relating to Frequency Functions165 - Papers Relating to Frequency Functions
166 - Photograph of Tchebycheff
Expand 167 - Papers Relating to the Determination of the Volumes of a Bivariate Normal Surface167 - Papers Relating to the Determination of the Volumes of a Bivariate Normal Surface
Collapse 168 - Papers Relating to Anthropometric Measurements from Sweden168 - Papers Relating to Anthropometric Measurements from Sweden
Expand 169 - Manuscript and Proof of "Tables of the Probability Integrals of Symmetrical Frequency Curves"169 - Manuscript and Proof of "Tables of the Probability Integrals of Symmetrical Frequency Curves"
170 - Papers Relating to Differences of the Powers of Zero by E M Elderton and Margaret Moul
Expand 171 - Papers on Duration of Pregnancy and Size of Litter in Dogs171 - Papers on Duration of Pregnancy and Size of Litter in Dogs
Expand 172 - Papers Relating to Multiple Correlation Coefficient172 - Papers Relating to Multiple Correlation Coefficient
Expand 173 - Papers Relating to the Correlation Surface of "Students" by Karl Pearson173 - Papers Relating to the Correlation Surface of "Students" by Karl Pearson
Expand 174 - Papers Relating to Skulls174 - Papers Relating to Skulls
Expand 175 - Manuscripts on Some Properties of "Students"175 - Manuscripts on Some Properties of "Students"
Expand 176 - Papers Relating to"Rana Ridibunda" (Marsh Frog)176 - Papers Relating to"Rana Ridibunda" (Marsh Frog)
177 - Image of Reverend William Derham
Expand 178 - Papers Relating to Median and Quartiles178 - Papers Relating to Median and Quartiles
Expand 179 - Papers Relating to Paper on Ranked Individuals by Karl Pearson and Margaret V Pearson179 - Papers Relating to Paper on Ranked Individuals by Karl Pearson and Margaret V Pearson
Expand 180 - Papers Relating to the Lanarkshire Milk Experiment and On the "Z" Test180 - Papers Relating to the Lanarkshire Milk Experiment and On the "Z" Test
181 - Rough Work for Second Paper on "Z" test by Karl Pearson
182 - Manuscript "Historical Note on the Distribution of the Standard Deviation" by Karl Pearson
183 - Images of A A Markorff
Expand 184 - Paper Relating to Hereditary Characteristics of the Eyelids by C H Usher184 - Paper Relating to Hereditary Characteristics of the Eyelids by C H Usher
185 - Typescripts of Paper on Microscopic Configurations
Expand 186 - Papers on Cranial Measurements by Ethel M Elderton and T L Woo186 - Papers on Cranial Measurements by Ethel M Elderton and T L Woo
Expand 187 - Papers Relating to Cranial Measurements of Asiatic Races by T L Woo and G M Morant187 - Papers Relating to Cranial Measurements of Asiatic Races by T L Woo and G M Morant
Expand 188 - Papers Relating to Ranked Individuals and Skew Curves188 - Papers Relating to Ranked Individuals and Skew Curves
Expand 189 - Papers Relating to Non-Normal Correlation Surface189 - Papers Relating to Non-Normal Correlation Surface
190 - Manuscript "Note on a Memoir by A E R Church" by Karl Pearson
Expand 191 - Papers relating to the Tm (x) Bessel function191 - Papers relating to the Tm (x) Bessel function
192 - Manuscript "Experimental Discussion of the x² Test for Goodness of Fit" by Karl Pearson
193 - Manuscript "On the Probability that Two Independent Distributions of Frequency are Really Samples" by Karl Pearson
194 - Typescript "Certain Generalisations in the Analysis of Variance" by S S Wilks
Expand 195 - Papers Relating to Bivariate Frequency Surfaces195 - Papers Relating to Bivariate Frequency Surfaces
Expand 196 - Papers Relating to the Betas of Quadrilateral Distributions196 - Papers Relating to the Betas of Quadrilateral Distributions
Expand 197 - Working Papers by Pearson for the Three x² Papers197 - Working Papers by Pearson for the Three x² Papers
198 - Negative and Photograph of Portrait of William Petty
Expand 199 - Silhouettes and Data for Paper on Albanians by M L Tildesley199 - Silhouettes and Data for Paper on Albanians by M L Tildesley
Expand 200 - Papers Relating to Empirical Age Scale200 - Papers Relating to Empirical Age Scale
Expand 201 - Papers Relating to the Probability Integral of the Correlation Coefficient201 - Papers Relating to the Probability Integral of the Correlation Coefficient
202 - Manuscript "Note on Dr Brandner's Paper" by Karl Pearson
203 - Letter from S A Wicksell
Expand 204 - Papers Relating to Parent Population with Independent Variates204 - Papers Relating to Parent Population with Independent Variates
205 - Manuscript "On the Application of the Double Besel Function to Statistical Problems" by Karl Pearson
Expand 206 - Papers Relating to Moments of J-Curves206 - Papers Relating to Moments of J-Curves
207 - Manuscript "On a Property of the Mean Ranges in Samples from Normal Population" by V Romanovsky
208 - Manuscript "Note on Mr McKay's Paper" by Karl Pearson
209 - Manuscript "Note on the Fitting of Frequency Curves" by Karl Pearson
Expand 210 - Papers Relating to Cromwell and Other Subjects210 - Papers Relating to Cromwell and Other Subjects
211 - Two Charts for "Confidence of Binomial Probability" by E S Pearson and C J Clopper
Expand 212 - Papers Relating to "Goodness of Fit"' and other material212 - Papers Relating to "Goodness of Fit"' and other material
213 - Typescript "On An Important Class of Statistical Hypotheses" by S Kolodziecjczyk
Expand 214 - Papers Relating to Movement in Two Dimensions214 - Papers Relating to Movement in Two Dimensions
Expand 215 - Papers Relating to "Thoughts Suggested by Papers of Messrs B L Welch and S Kolodziejczyk"215 - Papers Relating to "Thoughts Suggested by Papers of Messrs B L Welch and S Kolodziejczyk"
Expand 216 - Papers Relating to Eulerian Integrals216 - Papers Relating to Eulerian Integrals
Expand 217 - Papers Relating to Jewish-Gentile Relationships217 - Papers Relating to Jewish-Gentile Relationships
Expand 218 - Papers Relating to Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood218 - Papers Relating to Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood
Expand 219 - Papers Relating to x2 Approximation219 - Papers Relating to x2 Approximation
Expand 220 - Papers on Moments of the Ratio of the Mean Deviation to the Standard Deviation by R C Geary220 - Papers on Moments of the Ratio of the Mean Deviation to the Standard Deviation by R C Geary
Expand 221 - Papers Relating to Gresham Lecture by Pearson221 - Papers Relating to Gresham Lecture by Pearson
Expand 222 - Papers Relating to Biometrika Table 5 - Percentage of Beta Function222 - Papers Relating to Biometrika Table 5 - Percentage of Beta Function
Expand 223 - Papers Relating to Biometrika Table 8223 - Papers Relating to Biometrika Table 8
224 - Papers on Biometrika Tables 6 Mean Deviation
Expand 225 - Papers Relating to <i>Biometrika tables for statisticians</i>225 - Papers Relating to Biometrika tables for statisticians
Expand 8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
Expand 9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers
Expand 10 - Acquired Papers10 - Acquired Papers
Expand 11 - General Correspondence11 - General Correspondence