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PEARSON - Karl Pearson Papers
1 - Personal and Family Papers
2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes
3 - Literary and Scientific Work
4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics
5 - Weldon Papers
6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers
7 - Biometrika Papers
8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
1 - Draft of
The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
Volume I
2 - Notes for Volume I
3 - Extracts from Galton Family Genealogies and Notebooks
4 - Extracts from "The History of the Life of Mrs Wheler"
5 - Incidents in the Life of Francis Sacheverell Darwin
6 - Typescript Copy of the Will of Erasmus Darwin
7 - Poems of Erasmus Darwin
8 - Darwin Family Genealogy and History
9 - Copy of "Experiments on Colours", 1799
10 - Extracts from Barclay Family Histories and Genealogies
11 - Extract from "The Lunar Society", 1899
12 - Articles Concerning Francis Galton and the Darwin Family
13 - Pedigree Charts and Biographical Notes for Volume I of
The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
14 - Working Papers for the Pedigree of Charles Robert Darwin
15 - Pedigrees of the Darwin Family on the Howard Side
16 - Notes on the Collier, Foley, Paget and Portmore Families
17 - Amy Barrington's Notes on the Darwin Family Pedigree
18 - Papers Regarding Charles Darwin
19 - Copy Letters Sent and Received by Francis Galton
20 - Copy Letters Sent and Received by Francis Galton
21 - Transcript of "Evolution Old and New", 1880
22 - Draft of
The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
Volume II
23 - Papers Relating to Volume II: Researches of Middle Life
24 - Draft and Plates for The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton Volume IIIa
25 - Draft of
The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
Volume IIIb
26 - Prints and Plates Used in
The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
27 - Prints and Plates Used for The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
28 - Extracts from Reviews of The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
29 - Letters to Pearson Relating to
The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
1 - Lethbridge, Lucy Amy
2 - Allix, C P
3 - The Amateur Photographer & Photography
4 - The Architect & Building News
5 - Artists Illustrators Ltd
6 - Baird, Alexander
7 - Baker, W M
8 - Barclay, R L
9 - Barclay, Robert
10 - Barrington, Amy
11 - Barrow, Walter
12 - Bateson, Beatrice
13 - Bell, Julia
14 - Beresford, G C
15 - University of Birmingham
16 - Bowyear, Henry
17 - Boyer, Walter
18 - Buller, Simon R A
19 - Bulwer, W W E
20 - Bury St Edmunds Probate Registry
21 - Butler, A Francis
22 - Butler, Henry Montagu
23 - Butler, Harold Edgeworth
24 - Butler, Josephine
25 - Cambridge University Press
26 - Carter, Frank W
27 - Carter, Reverend George C
28 - Cave, H T
29 - Chandos-Pole, Reginald
30 - Colbourne, Reverend A
31 - Collier, Anna
32 - Collier, Henry
33 - Collier, William
34 - Collier, William Tregonwell
35 - Constable, Frank C
36 - Curzon, Alfred
37 - Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquess of Kedelston
38 - Darwin, C W
39 - Darwin, Sir Francis (1848-1925)
40 - Darwin, Francis Rhodes
41 - Darwin, Sir George Howard
42 - Darwin, Sir Horace
43 - Darwin, Lady Ida
44 - Darwin, Major Leonard
45 - Darwin, Margaret
46 - Darwin, Maud
47 - Darwin, William Erasmus
48 - Dawkins, George Henry
49 - Dawkins, James A
50 - Derby Townhall
51 - Dew-Smith, Alice
52 - Duchesne, S M
53 - Durrell, J V
54 - Edwards, Frederick A
55 - Elderton, Ethel Mary
56 - Ellis, Lucy Evelyne [nee Biggs]
57 - Emery Walker Ltd
58 - Faulds, Henry
59 - Fellswick, C
60 - Fenwick, T F
61 - Foley, P
62 - Maull & Fox
63 - Fox-Strangeways Giles S H, 6th Earl of Ilchester
64 - Frazer, Sir James George
65 - Galton, Arthur Howard
66 - Galton, Ewan Cameron
67 - Galton, Howard Douglas Leonard
68 - Gardner, Arthur
69 - Gardner, Eric
70 - Girton College, Cambridge
71 - Gnther, Robert W T
72 - Harcourt, Lewis, 1st Viscount
73 - Harrison, H, Rector of Radbourne
74 - Haslam, Helen
75 - Haslam, Lewis
76 - Haslam, Lilian
77 - Hawes, Reverend F W
78 - Henry Dixon & Son
79 - Howard, Eliza
80 - Howard, Henry Molyneux Paget, 19th Earl of Suffolk
81 - Howard, John H
82 - Humphreys, John
83 - Extracts from the Notes of C Dickinson Sturge
84 - Irby, George Florence, 6th Baron Boston
85 - Jackson, William
86 - Jones, E Augusta Harlow
87 - Ker, William Paton
88 - Keynes, John Neville
89 - Langdon, Alfred
90 - Larmor, Sir Joseph
91 - Lennard, Julia Hallam
92 - Lethbridge, Millicent Galton
93 - Lichfield Diocesan Registry
94 - Lichfield Cathedral Sacristan
95 - Litchfield, Henrietta Emma, nee Darwin
96 - Lloyd, Edith M
97 - Lloyd, Samuel
98 - Low, B? to Lucy Evelyne Ellis, nee Biggs
99 - Macaulay, William Herrick
100 - McLearn, Ida
101 - Methuen & Co Ltd
102 - Mond, Henry Ludwig, 2nd Baron Melchett
103 - Murray, Sir John
104 - National Portrait Gallery
105 - Nature
106 - Odell, Maud Gardiner
107 - Pearson, Amy Mary Constance
108 - Pearson, E L
109 - Pearson, H H W
110 - Pelly, Lady Amy Henrietta
111 - Pembroke College Cambridge
112 - Perrycoste, Frank H
113 - Pryor, M R
114 - Reid, Charles
115 - Renton, Ethel J
116 - Rowell, Dorothy Chase
117 - The Royal Anthropological Institute
118 - Royal Geographical Society
119 - The Royal Institution
120 - The Royal Photographic Society
121 - The Royal Society
122 - Ruger, Henry A
123 - Ryland, Clara
124 - Scott, Dukinfield Henry
125 - List of Francis Galton's Principle Books and Achievements
126 - Shaen, Margaret J
127 - Sheppard, William Fleetwood
128 - Societ Royale De Gographie D'Egypte
129 - Studdy, Lucy Elizabeth
130 - Sturge, Charles Dickinson
131 - Summerhayes, Victor S
132 - Swift, Francis Darwin
133 - Thynne, Thomas Henry, 5th Marquess of Bath
134 - Trinity College Cambridge
135 - University College, University of London
136 - Van, Henry F
137 - Victoria and Albert Museum
138 - Wallace, William G
139 - Wardale, J J
140 - Wavell, Florence Darwin
141 - Wheler-Galton, Edward Galton
142 - Wilmot, Darwin
143 - Wilmot, Frances Jane
144 - Copy Letters and Notes
9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers
10 - Acquired Papers
11 - General Correspondence