Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse RAY - Papers of Marian RayRAY - Papers of Marian Ray
Expand 1 - Artwork and Ephemera1 - Artwork and Ephemera
Collapse 2 - Films2 - Films
1 - Film Strips
2 - Animal Breeding
3 - Animals of the Cool Grasslands and Animals of the Seashore
4 - Animals of the Hot Grassland and Animals of the Seas and Polar Regions
5 - Animals of the Northern Forests
6 - Animals of the Tropical Forests
7 - Atomic Diagrams 1: The Hydrogen Atom
8 - Atomic Diagrams 2: The Elements and the Periodic Table
9 - Atomic Diagrams 3: Chemical Bonds Part I (Ionic Bond)
10 - Atomic Diagrams 4: Chemical Bonds Part II (Covalent Bond)
11 - Atomic Diagrams 5: Chemical Bonds Part III (Conclusion)
12 - Atomic Diagrams 6: The Elements in Nature
13 - Atomic Diagrams 7: Gas / Liquid / Solid Part I: States of Matter
14 - Atomic Diagrams 8: Gas / Liquid / Solid Part II: Changes of State
15 - Some Experimental Evidence for Atomic Structure
16 - Avogadro's Number
17 - The Blood
18 - Buttercups and Daisies
19 - Animal Coloration: Camouflage
20 - Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
21 - Cells
22 - The Circulation
23 - Clever Annika, Olle's Skiing Trip, Pelle's New Suit
24 - Cotton
25 - Digestion
26 - The Evolution of the Horse
27 - Flower Families: Roses
28 - Flower Families: Peas
29 - Food
30 - Fossils
31 - Heredity Part I
32 - Heredity Part II
33 - Life and Death
34 - Life in Ponds
35 - Light
36 - The Microscope
37 - Mixtures and Solutions
38 - Mushrooms and Toadstools
39 - The Art of Designing Film Strips
40 - The Conduction of the Nervous Impulse
41 - The Pentadactyl Limb
42 - The Phase Rule
43 - Life History of the Puss Moth
44 - The Reflex Arc and Nervous System
45 - Seeds I: Formation of Seeds
46 - Seeds 2: Structure of Seeds
47 - Seeds 3: Germination of Seeds
48 - Seedtime and Harvest
49 - Skeleton and Muscle
50 - Soil 1: Rocks and Erosion
51 - Soil 2: Plants and Decay
52 - Soil 3: Soil Profiles and Their Formation
53 - Soil 4: Composition of Soil
54 - Soil 5: Soil and Farming
55 - Sound 1: Sound and Sound Waves
56 - Sound 2: Complex Sounds
57 - Sound 3: Simple Explanations
58 - Sound 4: Ears and Hearing
59 - Sound 5: Voices and Speech
60 - Sound 6: Notes and Intervals
61 - Sound 7: Tempo, Metre and Rhythm
62 - Sound 8: Prelude to Music
63 - Sound 9: Sound and Light, Music and Colour
64 - Surface Phenomena
65 - Time
Expand 3 - Photographs and additional material3 - Photographs and additional material