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Collapse STO - Records of the Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment (STOPP)STO - Records of the Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment (STOPP)
Expand 1 - Minutes1 - Minutes
Expand 2 - Membership records2 - Membership records
Expand 3 - General Administration3 - General Administration
Expand 4 - Local Education Authorities 4 - Local Education Authorities
Expand 5 - Lobbying5 - Lobbying
Expand 6 - Research6 - Research
Expand 7 - Europe7 - Europe
Expand 8 - Press letters8 - Press letters
Expand 9 - Case files9 - Case files
Collapse 10 - Publications10 - Publications
1 - STOPP News
2 - The European example - The abolition of corporal punishment in European schools
3 - Britains Battered School Children - A dossier of Cases reported to STOPP in 1981
4 - A Quarter of a Million Beatings - An analysis of official statistics exposing the myth that corporal punishment is rarely used
5 - S.T.O.P.P - How often is 'rarely'?
6 - Britain's violent teachers - a dossier of beatings reported to STOPP in 1982
7 - Catalogue of cruelty - a dossier of beating incidents reported to STOPP
8 - Corporal punishment in schools - abolition handbook
9 - Beating in schools - the brutal reality
10 - Once every 19 seconds
11 - The violent 81%
12 - Guide to L.E.A.'s corporal punishment regulations in England & Wales
13 - Guide to L.E.A.'s corporal punishment regulations in England & Wales
14 - Corporal punishment in schools - The unacceptable face of British education
15 - 'Caring for Children? A report on the use of corporal punishment on children in the care of local authorities'
16 - 'Basic Facts About 'Corporal Punishment''
17 - 'Corporal Punishment - Views of Members of Parliament'
18 - 'Corporal Punishment - Do teachers know best? A summary of the views of professional organisations, consulted by the Government on the subject of beatings in our schools'
19 - 'The Croydon Paper on Corporal Punishment' by Colin Bagnall
20 - 'Corporal Punishment in Schools - submission by STOPP to the Department of Education of Science
21 - 'STOPP Publications - Old Ones'
22 - Evidence Submitted to the working party on discipline in schools
Expand 11 - Press notices11 - Press notices
Expand 12 - Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment - Audio-Visual Material12 - Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment - Audio-Visual Material
Expand 13 - Artifacts13 - Artifacts