Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse UCH - University College Hospital (UCH)UCH - University College Hospital (UCH)
Collapse 1 - Administration1 - Administration
Expand 1 - Annual General Meetings1 - Annual General Meetings
Expand 2 - Medical Committee2 - Medical Committee
Expand 2A - Medical Executive Committee2A - Medical Executive Committee
Expand 3 - General Committee3 - General Committee
Expand 4 - Board of Governors4 - Board of Governors
Collapse 5 - Scientific and Medical Committee Papers5 - Scientific and Medical Committee Papers
1 - Nursing Committee 1899-1914
2 - Minutes of Standing Committee to Supervise Scientific Floor
3 - Minutes of Various Committees
4 - Joint Committee of Delegates from the Hospital Committee and Medical Faculty
5 - Chairman's Agenda Book for Various Committees 1912-7
6 - Nursing Committee 1914-29
7 - Appeal Committee: Accounts, Correspondence, List of Subscribers, Appeal Leaflets and Other Papers
8 - Chairman's Agenda Book for Various Committees 1917-22
9 - Radiological Committee Minutes Vol 1: 1919-58
10 - Joint Tuberculosis Dispensary Committee
11 - Nutrition Committee (Later Nutrition and Domestic Staff Committee) 1938-56
12 - Appeal Committee Minute Book
13 - Miscellaneous Medical Committees 1948-52
14 - Physicians Standing Sub-Committee Vol 1: 1948-52
15 - Miscellaneous Medical Committees 1952-8
16 - Surgeons Standing Sub-Committee Vol 1: 1948-52
17 - Medical Instruments Standing Sub-Committee Vol 1: 1953-6
18 - Physicians Standing Sub-Committee Vol 2: 1953-6
19 - Surgeons Standing Sub-Committee Vol 2: 1953-7
20 - Joint Hospitals Radiographic School Committee of Management
21 - Royal Ear Hospital and Obstetric Hospital Standing Sub-Committees
22 - Medical Instruments Standing Sub-Committee Vol 2: 1956-60
23 - Physicians Standing Sub-Committee Vol 3: 1957-60
24 - Nutrition Committee 1957-62
25 - Surgeons Standing Sub-Committee Vol 3: 1957-61
26 - Miscellaneous Medical Committees 1958-70
27 - Radiological Committee Minutes Vol 2: 1959-75
28 - Medical Establishment Standing Sub-Committee
29 - Physicians Standing Sub-Committee Vol 4: 1960-6
30 - Surgeons Standing Sub-Committee Vol 4: 1961-8
31 - Sterilising Equipment Sub-Committee
32 - Anaesthetics Standing Sub-Committee 1964-74
33 - Dept of Psychological Medicine Standing Sub-Committee 1965-74
34 - Obstetric Hospital Standing Sub-Committee
35 - Physicians Standing Sub-Committee Vol 5: 1966-72
36 - Medical Research Standing Committee minute book
37 - Royal Ear Hospital Standing Sub-Committee
38 - Surgeons Standing Sub-Committee Vol 5: 1968-73
39 - Pathology Standing Sub-Committee
40 - Out-Patient Review and Ad Hoc Committee
41 - Physicians Standing Sub-Committee Vol 6: 1973-6
42 - Surgeons Standing Sub-Committee Vol 6: 1973-8
43 - Anaesthetics Standing Sub-Committee 1974-7
44 - Dept of Psychological Medicine Standing Sub-Committee 1974-5
45 - Medical Division 1976-80
46 - Medical Research Committee
47 - Surgical Division 1978-82
48 - Surgical Division 1982-5
49 - Medical Division 1983-5
Expand 6 - Building Committees6 - Building Committees
Expand 7 - Other Committees7 - Other Committees
Expand 8 - Secretary8 - Secretary
Expand 9 - London NHS9 - London NHS
Expand 2 - Patient Records2 - Patient Records
Expand 3 - Staff Records3 - Staff Records
Expand 4 - Finance4 - Finance
Expand 5 - Charitable Records5 - Charitable Records
Expand 6 - Artefacts, Ephemera and Printed Material6 - Artefacts, Ephemera and Printed Material
Expand 7 - Royal Ear Hospital7 - Royal Ear Hospital
Expand 8 - National Dental Hospital8 - National Dental Hospital
Expand 9 - Obstetric Hospital9 - Obstetric Hospital