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Collapse UCLUCL
Collapse ION - UCL Institute of NeurologyION - UCL Institute of Neurology
Expand A - Administrative recordsA - Administrative records
Expand AC - Academic BoardAC - Academic Board
Expand E - EventsE - Events
Expand F - Financial recordsF - Financial records
Expand LIB - LibrariesLIB - Libraries
Expand M - Members' recordsM - Members' records
Collapse P - PhotographsP - Photographs
1 - Photographs: ceremony to mark the opening of the Hallpike Room held at the Rockefeller Medical Library at the Institute of Neurology
Collapse 2 - Photographs: Medical Library - portraits of neurologists2 - Photographs: Medical Library - portraits of neurologists
1 - Photographs: William John Adie
2 - Photograph: Thophile Alajouanine
3 - Photograph: Joseph Jules Franois Flix Babinski
4 - Photograph: Sir Charles Alfred Ballance
5 - Photographs: Henry Charlton Bastian
6 - Photograph: Frederick Eustace Batten
7 - Photograph: Charles Edward Beevor
8 - Photograph: Walter Russell Brain, first Baron Brain
9 - Photograph: Pierre Paul Broca
10 - Photograph: Bernard Brouwer
11 - Photograph: Oswald Bumke
12 - Photograph: Edward Farquhar Buzzard
13 - Photograph: Santiago Ramn y Cajal
14 - Photograph: Edward Arnold Carmichael
15 - Photograph: Jean-Martin Charcot
16 - Photographs: James Stansfield Collier
17 - Photographs: Macdonald Critchley
18 - Photograph: unknown
19 - Photograph: Joseph Jules Djerine
20 - Photographs: Derek Ernest Denny-Brown
21 - Photograph: Ludwig Edinger
22 - Photograph: Sir David Ferrier
23 - Photograph: Otfrid Foerster
24 - Photograph: John Farquhar Fulton
25 - Photograph: Ramon Garcin
26 - Photograph: Joseph Godwin Greenfield
27 - Photograph: Camillo Golgi
28 - Photograph: Sir William Richard Gowers
29 - Photograph: Anita Harding
30 - Photograph: Wilfred John Harris
31 - Photograph: Sir Henry Head
32 - Photograph: Salomon Eberhard Henschen
33 - Photograph: Ronald Alfred Henson
34 - Photographs: Sir Victor Horsley
35 - Photograph: Jacques Jean L'Hermitte
36 - Photograph: Eduard Hitzig
37 - Photograph: Conrad Meredyth Hinds Howell
38 - Photograph: Sir Gordon Morgan Holmes
39 - Photograph: Sir Geoffrey Jefferson
40 - Photographs: Robert Foster Kennedy
41 - Photograph: Gonzalo Rodriguez Lafora
42 - Photograph: Valentine Darte Logue
43 - Photograph: Rudolf Magnus
44 - Photograph: Pierre Marie
45 - Photograph: Georg Herman Monrad-Krohn
46 - Photograph: Leslie J Paton
47 - Photographs: William Ian Mcdonald
48 - Photographs: James Purdon Martin
49 - Photograph: Arnold Pick
50 - Photograph: Charles Bland Radcliffe
51 - Photograph: Sir John Russell Reynolds
52 - Photograph: George Riddoch
53 - Photograph: Sir Percy William George Sargent
54 - Photograph: Sir Charles Scott Sherrington
55 - Photograph: Sir Edward Henry Sieveking
56 - Photographs: Thomas Grainger Stewart
57 - Photograph: Sir Charles Putnam Symonds
58 - Photograph: James Taylor
59 - Photograph: Andr-Thomas
60 - Photograph: Ludo van Bogaert
61 - Photograph: Clovis Vincent
62 - Photograph: Oskar Vogt
63 - Photograph: Robert Wartenberg
64 - Photograph: Karl Weigert
65 - Photographs: Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson
66 - Photograph: Carl Wernicke