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Collapse UWT - Records of the National Union of Women Teachers (NUWT)UWT - Records of the National Union of Women Teachers (NUWT)
Collapse A - NUWT Committee RecordsA - NUWT Committee Records
Expand 2 - Central Council minute books, correspondence, and reports2 - Central Council minute books, correspondence, and reports
Expand 3 - Officers' Meetings: minute books3 - Officers' Meetings: minute books
Collapse 4 - Legal Aid Fund Board of Management/Legal and Tenure Committee 4 - Legal Aid Fund Board of Management/Legal and Tenure Committee
1 - [NUWT Legal Aid Fund Board of Management/Legal and Tenure Committee Minute Books - Oct 1922-Nov 1926]
2 - [NUWT Legal Aid Fund Board of Management/Legal and Tenure Committee Minute Books - Jan 1927-Apr 1932]
3 - [Legal Aid Fund Board of Management/Legal and Tenure Committee Minute Books - May 1932-Oct 1936]
4 - [Legal Aid Fund Board of Management/Legal and Tenure Committee Minute Books - Dec 1936-Sep 1946]
5 - [Legal Aid Fund Board of Management/Legal and Tenure Committee Minute Books - Oct 1946-Jan 1961]
6 - [NUWT Legal Aid Fund - minute book]
7 - [NUWT Legal Aid Fund - minute book]
8 - [NUWT Legal Aid Fund - minute book]
9 - [NUWT Legal Aid Fund - account book]
10 - [NUWT Legal Aid Fund - account book]
11 - 'Legal and Tenure Committee - Memoranda'
12 - 'Legal and Tenure Committee - General'
13 - [Legal and Tenure Committee - statements, circulars and legal memoranda]
14 - 'Legal and Tenure Committee (Office)'
15 - [Cases dealt with by NUWT Legal and Tenure Committee]
16 - [Cases dealt with by NUWT Legal and Tenure Committee]
17 - 'Legal and Tenure Committee - cases'
18 - 'Legal and Tenure Committee - correspondence'
19 - 'Legal and Tenure Committee - correspondence'
20 - 'West Ham 'Pink Forms''
21 - 'Legal and Tenure Committee - records and specimen cases'
22 - [Legal points - correspondence with Mr Yates]
23 - 'Legal enquiries and decisions'
24 - Insurance of Property
25 - Accidents to Pupils
26 - Insurance
27 - Legal and Tenure Committee
28 - NUWT House Purchase Scheme
29 - NUWT House Purchase Scheme
30 - 'Insurance (current)'
31 - 'Legal and Tenure Committee - fluid cases'
32 - [Legal cases]
33 - [Income Tax - debate on Union subscriptions]
34 - Legal press
35 - 'NUWT - insurance cover for members'
36 - 'Trustees - correspondence and deeds'
37 - [NUWT Legal Aid Fund - account book]
38 - [NUWT Legal Aid Fund - account book]
39 - [NUWT Legal Aid Fund - account book]
40 - [NUWT Legal Aid Fund - account book]
Expand 5 - Education [Sub-] Committee 5 - Education [Sub-] Committee
Expand 6 - General Purposes and Organisation Committee6 - General Purposes and Organisation Committee
Expand 7 - Finance Committee7 - Finance Committee
Expand 8 - Social Committee8 - Social Committee
Expand B - NUWT Administrative papersB - NUWT Administrative papers
Expand C - NUWT Financial recordsC - NUWT Financial records
Expand D - NUWT Subject FilesD - NUWT Subject Files
Expand F - NUWT branch and county association recordsF - NUWT branch and county association records
Expand G - NUWT PhotographsG - NUWT Photographs
Expand H - NUWT PublicationsH - NUWT Publications