Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse UWT - Records of the National Union of Women Teachers (NUWT)UWT - Records of the National Union of Women Teachers (NUWT)
Expand A - NUWT Committee RecordsA - NUWT Committee Records
Expand B - NUWT Administrative papersB - NUWT Administrative papers
Expand C - NUWT Financial recordsC - NUWT Financial records
Collapse D - NUWT Subject FilesD - NUWT Subject Files
Expand 1 - [Equal pay]1 - [Equal pay]
Expand 2 - [Burnham Committee]2 - [Burnham Committee]
Expand 3 - [Education Bills and Acts]3 - [Education Bills and Acts]
Expand 4 - [Equal Franchise]4 - [Equal Franchise]
Collapse 5 - [Teacher's working conditions and duties (excluding salaries), safety at school]5 - [Teacher's working conditions and duties (excluding salaries), safety at school]
1 - 'Milk schemes'
2 - 'Lunch time supervision - schools''
3 - 'Arrangements for provision of meals (through DS [Domestic Subjects] Centres, cafés, etc)
4 - 'School meals and milk - Local conditions'
5 - 'School meals and milk - Deputation to the Board of Education (1933)'
6 - 'Memorandum on the provision of meals for necessitous children through Domestic Subjects Centres'
7 - 'School meals and milk - Views and reports on Memorandum'
8 - 'School meals and milk - Statistics'
9 - 'School meals and milk - Board of Education regulations, etc and correspondence'
10 - 'School meals and milk - National Union of Teachers position'
11 - 'School meals and milk - Printed and press'
12 - 'Provision of milk at courses of instruction for unemployed boys and girls'
13 - 'School meals and milk - Children's Minimum Council (national investigation)'
14 - 'School canteens, menus, etc'
15 - 'School meals and milk - General correspondence'
16 - 'School meals and milk - Extraneous duties''
17 - 'School meals and milk - Meals supervision''
18 - 'School meals and milk - Cost of meals'
19 - [NUWT circular re collection of school meals money]
20 - 'School meals and milk - Replies from Branch Secretaries: school meals, 1946 position'
21 - 'Extraneous duties - general correspondence'
22 - 'Extraneous duties - supervision of children crossing roads'
23 - 'Extraneous duties - supervision of mid-day meals'
24 - 'Extraneous duties - Evening play centres (Wigan case)'
25 - 'Extraneous duties - Old scholars' club - difficulties in rural districts'
26 - 'Extraneous duties - press'
27 - 'Extraneous duties - auxiliary staff for social service in schools'
28 - 'Extraneous duties -sale of ice-cream and other foods in schools'
29 - 'Extraneous duties - calculation of wages'
30 - 'Extraneous duties - four days of a London head teacher's life'
31 - 'Extraneous duties - rest centre and holiday duties (Sheffield)'
32 - 'Educational Visits'
33 - 'Freedom of Candidature (parliamentary and municipal)
34 - 'Dependants [teachers]'
35 - Scheme of Special Allowances for Posts of Special Responsibility
36 - Scheme of Special Allowances for Posts of Special Responsibility
37 - Scheme of Special Allowances for Posts of Special Responsibility
38 - 'Health of Women Teachers'
39 - 'Holidays'
40 - Court Cases
41 - 'Accidents - Pupils and Teachers'
42 - 'Inspectors'
Expand 6 - [Education conferences (not organised by NUWT)]6 - [Education conferences (not organised by NUWT)]
Expand 7 - [Board/Ministry of Education - correspondence and deputations]7 - [Board/Ministry of Education - correspondence and deputations]
Expand 8 - [Training of teachers]8 - [Training of teachers]
Expand 9 - [Equal Pay Film]9 - [Equal Pay Film]
Expand 10 - [Other British teaching unions and associations]10 - [Other British teaching unions and associations]
Expand 11 - [Marriage bar, divorce, marriage and income tax]11 - [Marriage bar, divorce, marriage and income tax]
Expand 12 - [Superannuation, pensions and sickness benefit]12 - [Superannuation, pensions and sickness benefit]
Expand 13 - [Cinemas and film]13 - [Cinemas and film]
Expand 14 - [Important women - includes obituaries, suggestions for speakers, examples of pioneering women - and status of women]14 - [Important women - includes obituaries, suggestions for speakers, examples of pioneering women - and status of women]
Expand 15 - [Non-NUWT publications]15 - [Non-NUWT publications]
Expand 16 - [Family Endowment and family allowances]16 - [Family Endowment and family allowances]
Expand 17 - [Sport and physical education]17 - [Sport and physical education]
Expand 18 - [Women's and equal rights organisations and events]18 - [Women's and equal rights organisations and events]
Expand 19 - [National and International workers/labour organisations]19 - [National and International workers/labour organisations]
Expand 20 - [Peace and disarmament]20 - [Peace and disarmament]
Expand 21 - [London County Council]21 - [London County Council]
Expand 22 - [UNESCO, League of Nations, UNICEF]]22 - [UNESCO, League of Nations, UNICEF]]
Expand 23 - [Uncertified, unattached and supplementary teachers]23 - [Uncertified, unattached and supplementary teachers]
Expand 24 - [Types of school; amalgamations and reorganisation; post war education]24 - [Types of school; amalgamations and reorganisation; post war education]
Expand 25 - [Sex education]25 - [Sex education]
Expand 26 - [Youth - industry, education, unemployment and juvenile delinquency]26 - [Youth - industry, education, unemployment and juvenile delinquency]
Expand 27 - [Education abroad, 'dominions', status of women and working conditions in other countries]27 - [Education abroad, 'dominions', status of women and working conditions in other countries]
Expand 28 - [Examinations, educational schemes, and teaching of various subjects]28 - [Examinations, educational schemes, and teaching of various subjects]
Expand 29 - [Air Raid Precautions, evacuation, education in war-time, conscription, conscientious objectors]29 - [Air Raid Precautions, evacuation, education in war-time, conscription, conscientious objectors]
Expand 30 - [Rural education]30 - [Rural education]
Expand 31 - 'School leaving age'31 - 'School leaving age'
Expand 32 - 'Civil Service'32 - 'Civil Service'
Expand 33 - 'Parents and Teachers' Councils, parents33 - 'Parents and Teachers' Councils, parents
Expand 34 - [Adult Education]34 - [Adult Education]
Expand 35 - [Election campaign activity, female representation in Parliament, correspondence with MPs]35 - [Election campaign activity, female representation in Parliament, correspondence with MPs]
Expand 36 - [Educational organisations and Child safety/welfare organisations]36 - [Educational organisations and Child safety/welfare organisations]
Expand 37 - [NUWT campaign and propaganda material]37 - [NUWT campaign and propaganda material]
Expand 38 - Press cuttings and photographs38 - Press cuttings and photographs
Expand 39 - [Budgets, salary cuts, economies in education, staffing]39 - [Budgets, salary cuts, economies in education, staffing]
Expand 40 - [Labour Advisory Committee and Labour party]40 - [Labour Advisory Committee and Labour party]
Expand 41 - [Equal Opportunities for girls and women]41 - [Equal Opportunities for girls and women]
Expand 42 - ['Special Schools']42 - ['Special Schools']
Expand 43 - [Correspondence between NUWT General Secretary and NUWT members and potential members]43 - [Correspondence between NUWT General Secretary and NUWT members and potential members]
Expand 44 - [Unemployment]44 - [Unemployment]
Expand 45 - [Teacher's representatives on committees and LEAs; LEA regulations]45 - [Teacher's representatives on committees and LEAs; LEA regulations]
Expand 46 - [Assorted organisations]46 - [Assorted organisations]
Expand 47 - [Health, Medical, Temperance, hospitals]47 - [Health, Medical, Temperance, hospitals]
Expand 48 - [NUWT - general correspondence]48 - [NUWT - general correspondence]
Expand 49 - [Cutten Memorial Clinic and other memorial funds]49 - [Cutten Memorial Clinic and other memorial funds]
Expand 50 - 'Campaigns'50 - 'Campaigns'
Expand 51 - 'Grants, Regulations, Figures, Finance - Education' 51 - 'Grants, Regulations, Figures, Finance - Education'
Expand 52 - [School buildings and equipment]52 - [School buildings and equipment]
Expand 53 - 'Scotland'53 - 'Scotland'
Expand 54 - [Libraries, books for children, publishers]54 - [Libraries, books for children, publishers]
Expand 55 - 'Animals'55 - 'Animals'
Expand 56 - 'Nursery schools'56 - 'Nursery schools'
Expand 57 - 'Hospitals'57 - 'Hospitals'
Expand 58 - 'Economics'58 - 'Economics'
Expand F - NUWT branch and county association recordsF - NUWT branch and county association records
Expand G - NUWT PhotographsG - NUWT Photographs
Expand H - NUWT PublicationsH - NUWT Publications