Hierarchy Browser
CARSWELL - Carswell Drawings
1 - Case Notes and Index
A - Drawings of Heart and Blood Vessels
B - Drawings of Breast and Glandular System
Ca - Drawings of Larynx, Tongue and thyroid
Cb - Drawings of Lungs, Pleura, Bronchi
D - Drawings of Brains, Spinal Cord
35 - Cancer: Fungus, Haematodes and Melanosis of the Eye
56 - Melanosis of the Brain
105 - Blood: Arachnoid and Dura Mater.
106 - Tumour: Dura Mater
107 - Brain Tumour: Dura Mater
108 - Bone between the Arachnoid and Pia Mater
109 - Softening of the Brain
110 - Softening of the Brain
111 - Pia Mater: Inflammation
112 - Abscess of the Brain
113 - Abscess of the Brain
114 - Appearances in Apoplexy
116 - Haemorrhage: Dura Mater & Arachnoid. Apoplexy: Membranes of the Brain
117 - Rupture of the Vessels of the Brain
120 - Multi-locular Apoplexy
121 - Apoplectic Cysts
122 - Brain: Apoplectic Cyst
123 - Apoplexy: Pons Varioli
124 - Hemisphere: Cavity
125 - Corpus Striatum, Atrophy of Thalamus and Pons Varioli
126 - Tumour in the cerebellum
127 - Cerebriform Tumour of the Cerebellum
128 - Hydrocephalus
129 - Dropsy of the Sacral Nerves
130 - Ossification of Spinal Marrow. Inflammation and Suppuration of Dura Mater.
311 - Tuberculous: Brain and Cerebellum
312 - Abscess of the Brain
313 - Acute Abscess of the Brain
314 - Apoplectic Cyst in the Corpus Striatum
315 - Cerebellum, Pons Variolii, Carcinoma
316 - Inflammation and Suppuration of the spinal cord
317 - Meatus Auditorius Externus
318 - Membrana Tympani
391 - Softening of Brain & Cerebellum
392a - Corpus Striatum and Thalamus Opticus: Apoplexy
392b - Brain: Paralytic Lunatic
393 - Cerebellum: Tubercle
394 - Thalmus Opticus: Tubercle
395 - Congenital Atrophy of Brain and Cerebellum
396 - Clots in Arteries of Brain and Dilatation of the Ventricles
397 - Crus Cerebri
398 - Atrophy: Right Hemisphere Dilatation: Lateral Ventricle
399 - Dilatation and Dropsy of the Ventricles
400 - Hydrocephalus: The Patient an Idiot
401 - Convolutions of brain: atrophy & oedema (ossification of arteries)
402 - Hysteria, Mental Derangement, Chorea and Atrophy of Brain and Cerebellum.
403 - Paralysis, Ossification of Arteries in the Brain: Softening of Corpus Striatum and Thalamus Opticus
404 - Dropsy of the Fifth Ventricle
405 - Haemorrhage: Arachnoid and Pia Mater
406 - Atrophy of Anterior Lobe of Left Hemisphere
407 - Ventricles, Pia Mater, Cerebellum: Cysticerci.
408 - Portrait of a Female Idiot
409 - Obliteration of the Iris and Pupil
440 - Atrophy of corpus striatum & medulla oblongata (left); softening of posterior lobe of brain (left?)
441 - Cerebriform Tumour
442 - BrainTumour: Epithelioma
443 - Brain: Depressions Produced by Exostosia
444 - Carcinomatous Tumour: Sella Turcica
445 - Anomalous Disease of the Spinal Cord and Pons Varioli [Multiple Sclerosis]
479 - Adhesion of the Cornea to the Lower Eyelid
480 - Hypopium
585 - Softening of the Cerebellum
586 - Apoplexy: Blood effused into the thalamus and Ancient Apoplectic Cyst
587 - Apoplexy of Brain and Serous Cysts
588 - Pons Variolii: Softening from Inflammation
589 - Pons Variolii: Compression by Fibrinous Tumours
590 - Apoplectic Cyst in Corpus Striatum
591 - Spinal Cord: Tubercle
592 - Haemorrhage of Pia Mater and Brain
593 - Softening and Haemorrhage of Brain
594 - Suppuration of the Medulla Spinalis
595a - Apoplexy and Inflammatory Softening of Thalamus Opticus
595b - Suppuration of the Membranes of the Brain
762 - Suppuration of the Dura Mater
763 - Inflammation of the dura and pia mater
764 - Congestion & Inflammation of the Pia Mater
765 - Inflammation: Pia Mater & Brain
766 - Fungus: Dura Mater
767 - First stage of inflammation in the brain. Inflammation of the Pia Mater
768 - Inflammation of the Cerebellum & Spinal Cord.
769 - Inflammation of Medulla Oblongata and Spinal Cord
770 - Softening of Thalamus and Corpus Striatum
771 - Tumour with Softening and Suppuration of Brain
772 - Softening of Tuber Annuluie
773 - Apoplexy
774 - Large Hydatid Situated in the Brain
775 - Hydatids: Cellular Tissue of the Velum Interpositum
776 - Plenus Choroides
777 - Large Round Tubercle: Fourth Ventricle of the Brain
778 - Tubercles: Substances of the Cerebellum
929 - Inflammation and Softening of the Brain
930 - Haemorrhage of the Cerebellum
931 - Meningal haemorrhage
932 - Fibrinous Coagula: Sinuses and Veins
933 - Inflammation & Suppuration of Membranes of One Hemisphere
934 - Inflammartion of Dura Mater and Effusion of Coagulable Lymph
935 - Inflammation, Softening and Suppuration of Spinal Cord
937 - Inflammation of the Membranes of the Brain
UN - Between Layers of Arachnoid: Haemorrhage (Unnumbered Drawing)
E - Drawings of Organs of Locomotion (Lower Limbs)
Fa - Drawings of Oesophagus and Stomach
Fb - Drawings of Intestines, Peritoneum
Fc - Drawings of Liver, Spleen and Pancreas
Fd - Drawings of Skin
G - Drawings of Urinary System
Ha - Drawings of Generative System - Male
Hb - Drawings of Generative System - Female
Hc - Drawings of Venereal Diseases
I - Drawings of New Formations
K - Drawings of Wounds and Injuries
L - Drawings of Miscellanea (Glanders, Diabetes, Cretin, Typhus, Worms)
U - Unnumbered Drawings