Hierarchy Browser
GDS - Records of the Girls' Day School Trust and predecessors (GDST)
1 - Constitutional Records
2 - Honorary Members
3 - Council Records
4 - Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings
5 - Annual reports
6 - Committees
7 - Shareholders' Records
8 - Financial Records
9 - General Administration
10 - Relationship with Central and Local Government
11 - Central Governance of Schools
12 - Current Schools
13 - Former Schools
14 - Property
15 - Staff
16 - Pupils
17 - Curriculum
18 - Teacher Training
19 - Examinations and Assessment
20 - School Inspections
21 - Scholarships and Prizes
22 - Publicity
23 - Publications
24 - Events
25 - Artefacts
26 - Photographs
1 - Commemorative Albums
2 - Patrons
3 - Founders
4 - Council and Head Office Staff
5 - H.R.H the Duchess of Gloucester
6 - Emily Shirreff, Member of Council
7 - Mary Gurney
8 - Members of Council
9 - Members of Council
10 - Trust Office and Property Department
11 - The Dowager Lady Stanley of Alderley
12 - Maria Grey, Member of Council
13 - Emily Shirreff, Member of Council
14 - Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll
15 - H.R.H the Duchess of Gloucester
27 - Old Girls' Associations and the Minerva Network
28 - History of the Trust and other papers
A - Papers of Maria Grey and Emily Shirreff
B - Friends of the Girls' Public Day School Trust
C - Scrapbook of Monica Allanach, almuna of Wimbledon High School 1931-1938