Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse GDS - Records of the Girls' Day School Trust and predecessors (GDST)GDS - Records of the Girls' Day School Trust and predecessors (GDST)
Expand 1 - Constitutional Records1 - Constitutional Records
Expand 2 - Honorary Members2 - Honorary Members
Collapse 3 - Council Records3 - Council Records
Expand 1 - Council Regulations1 - Council Regulations
Expand 2 - Organisation of the Council2 - Organisation of the Council
Expand 3 - Minutes of Council Meetings 3 - Minutes of Council Meetings
Expand 4 - Supporting Papers for Council Meetings 4 - Supporting Papers for Council Meetings
5 - Attendance Lists
Expand 6 - Lists of Members of the Council6 - Lists of Members of the Council
Expand 7 - Chairs of the Council7 - Chairs of the Council
Collapse 8 - Members of the Council8 - Members of the Council
1 - Mrs Marie Adami
2 - Donald Angel
3 - Lady Helen Asquith (1908-2000)
4 - William Barber
5 - Caroline Barron
6 - Stephen Barker
7 - Sir George Christopher Trout Bartley (1842-1910)
8 - Sir Dallas Bernard
9 - June Bridgeman
10 - Adam Broke
11 - Sheila J Browne
12 - The Hon. Alice Bruce (1867-1951)
13 - Mrs William Buckler (d.1953)
14 - Lady Cairns
15 - Lady Carlise (1867-1957)
16 - Lady Hilda Cash (d.1962)
17 - Lady Frederick Cavendish (1841-1925)
18 - Lady Catherwood
19 - Baroness Janet Cohen of Pimlico
20 - Sir Kenneth Corfield
21 - Miss Henrietta Dent (d.1966)
22 - Lady Digby (1848–1926)
23 - Sir Wyndham Rowland Dunstan (1861-1949)
24 - George Morgan Edwardes-Jones (d.1936)
25 - Mrs Dorothy M Edwards (d.1984)
26 - Dr Philipa Esdaile (1888-1989)
27 - Christopher Fildes
28 - Mrs A L Fowler
29 - Gay Firth (1937-2005)
30 - Mrs V H Galbraith (1894-1982)
31 - Mrs J H Galbraith
32 - Dr W Gladwell (1903-1968)
33 - Mrs M Good (d.1975)
34 - Miss Maud Grenfell (d.1955)
35 - Mrs Henry Grenfell (d.1923)
36 - Mary Gurney (1836-1917)
37 - Miss D M Hammonds (1885-1974)
38 - George Hallam (d.1932)
39 - Miss Haldane
40 - Lady Habakkuk (1922-2002)
41 - Mrs Christian V Hardie (1910-2001)
42 - Lady Harmer (d.1956)
43 - Mrs H Hart (d. 1924)
44 - Miss E Hastings (d.1941)
45 - Professor W K Hayman
46 - Mr R N Heaton (1923-1994)
47 - Sir Douglas Henley (1919-2003)
48 - Miss E C Higgans (d.1941)
49 - The Rev Dr A E Hillard
50 - Mrs E J Hutchins
51 - The Earl of Iddesleigh (1901-1970)
52 - Leighton Irwin
53 - Professor Susan Iverson
54 - Dowager Countess of Jersey (1849-1945)
55 - Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth (1804-1877)
56 - Miss K Jex-Blake (1860-1951)
57 - Mr H H Keen (1902-1974)
58 - Mr H A Kennedy
59 - Miss R Kingsley
60 - Mrs Angela Knight
61 - Mr S Lane (d.1979)
62 - Mr E R Lawrence
63 - Mrs Macgregor, later Lady Macgregor
64 - Miss H I McMorran (1898-1985)
65 - Mr D Maland
66 - Mrs Victoria Maltby
67 - Mr W F Marchant
68 - Mr O W Mitchell (d.1963)
69 - Mr L G Montefiore
70 - Mr H J Morland (d.1939)
71 - Mr C Morris (d.[1990])
72 - The Hon. Mrs John Mulholland (d.1984)
73 - Dr A R Murray (1913-2004)
74 - George Nissen
75 - A L P Norrington (1899-1982)
76 - Mr P R Odgers
77 - Mr B L Pearson (d.1984)
78 - Mrs Gillian Perrin
79 - Sir Edmund Phipps
80 - The Hon. Eleanor Plumer (d.1967)
81 - Dr John M Rae (1931-2006)
82 - Philip Ralph
83 - Mr D C Richmond
84 - Lt. Col. Salmon (d.1927)
85 - Miss A Sanders (d.1943)
86 - Lady Savory (d.1939)
87 - Miss Hilary Shuard (1928-1992)
88 - Miss Simey
89 - Mr C C V Simmonds
90 - Dame Mary Smieton (1902-2005)
91 - Dr Janet Sondheimer (d.2007)
92 - Lady Stanley (1807-1895)
93 - Mr R C Steele (d.1992)
94 - Lady Stephenson
95 - Miss Ethel Strudwick (1880-1954)
96 - Mr R S Tatton (d.1934)
97 - Professor J P Tuck
98 - Mr Harry B Wallis
99 - Mr Seymour H Walrond (d.1930)
100 - Baroness Warnock
101 - Dr P T Warren
102 - Mrs Webster
103 - Mrs W West
104 - The Rev O G Whitfield (1879-1956)
105 - The Rt Hon John Wilmot (1893-1964)
106 - Miss Wilshere
107 - Sir Arnold T Wilson (1884-1940)
108 - Mr Robin Wilson
109 - Mrs Woodhouse
110 - Gwen Woodcock (d.1984)
111 - Mrs C P T Winch
Expand 4 - Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings4 - Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings
Expand 5 - Annual reports 5 - Annual reports
Expand 6 - Committees6 - Committees
Expand 7 - Shareholders' Records7 - Shareholders' Records
Expand 8 - Financial Records8 - Financial Records
Expand 9 - General Administration 9 - General Administration
Expand 10 - Relationship with Central and Local Government10 - Relationship with Central and Local Government
Expand 11 - Central Governance of Schools11 - Central Governance of Schools
Expand 12 - Current Schools12 - Current Schools
Expand 13 - Former Schools13 - Former Schools
Expand 14 - Property14 - Property
Expand 15 - Staff15 - Staff
Expand 16 - Pupils 16 - Pupils
Expand 17 - Curriculum17 - Curriculum
Expand 18 - Teacher Training18 - Teacher Training
Expand 19 - Examinations and Assessment19 - Examinations and Assessment
Expand 20 - School Inspections20 - School Inspections
Expand 21 - Scholarships and Prizes21 - Scholarships and Prizes
Expand 22 - Publicity22 - Publicity
Expand 23 - Publications23 - Publications
Expand 24 - Events24 - Events
Expand 25 - Artefacts25 - Artefacts
Expand 26 - Photographs26 - Photographs
Expand 27 - Old Girls' Associations and the Minerva Network27 - Old Girls' Associations and the Minerva Network
Expand 28 - History of the Trust and other papers28 - History of the Trust and other papers
Expand A - Papers of Maria Grey and Emily ShirreffA - Papers of Maria Grey and Emily Shirreff
Expand B - Friends of the Girls' Public Day School TrustB - Friends of the Girls' Public Day School Trust
C - Scrapbook of Monica Allanach, almuna of Wimbledon High School 1931-1938