Hierarchy Browser
MS MOCATTA - Mocatta Manuscripts
1 - Haggadah (Sephardic)
2 - Mahzor (Italian)
3 - Lucien Wolf Diary
4 - Mahzor (Carpentras): Rosh ha-Shanah
5 - Elements of ye Hebrew language
6 - Memorial book for Jemima Guedalla
7 - Avodah (Yom Kippur liturgy)
8 - Defter
9 - Service book (Jewish): Omer
10 - Hazkarat neshamot
11 - Birkat Avraham
12 - Benedictions
13 - Megilat sedarim. Melitsat ha-shirah
14 - Sefer hanhagat ha-hayim; rules for conduct through life
15 - Sketches by Henry Moses
16 - The Cuzary
17 - The Rod of Judgment
18 - Tikun ha-yom
19 - Miscellaneous manuscript works
20 - Qur'an fragment
21 - Ten commandments
22 - Goldsmid Letters
A - Album of letters from various correspondents
B - Album of letters from various correspondents
23 - Siddur (Yemenite)
24 - Megilat Sedarim (English)
25 - Service book (Jewish): Piyyutim
26 - Dickens/Davis Correspondence
27 - Bible (Hebrew, Old Testament)
28 - Autobiography of Abraham ben Mordecai Leipnicker
29 - Persian Jews and their literature
31 - Remarks on the Revd. John Oxlee's second letter
32 - Lectures delivered at the Hambro' synagogue
33 - Circumcision register
34 - Hebrew calendar
35 - Service book (Jewish): Benedictions (undated)
36 - Sefer ha-shorashim
37 - Grimsby Synagogue Minute Book
38 - Phineas Kahn
39 - Colyer-Fergusson, correspondence
40 - Magnolia Street
41 - Jewish bookplates
42 - Report on the Jewish community of Indian origin living in London
43 - Reflexiones thelogicas politicas, y morales sobre el execrable systema de Nehemy Hiy Hayon
45 - Illustrated list of amorial [sic] Jewish bookplates
46 - Portrait Sketches
47 - Doctor of the Lost
48 - Psalm 78
49 - Memorial tribute to Professor Jacob Waley
51 - Peri Hadash
52 - Otserot Hayyim
53 - Perush 'al Idra Raba
54 - 'Alim li-terufah
55 - Index to: 'Arthur Cohen: a Memoir'
56 - Mathematical exercises
57 - Sayings of Hakim Yekutiel ben Dawud
58 - Dawud papers
59 - Bible texts
61 - Not Ioannes in Godwini antiquitates iudorum
62 - Library catalogue of the Jews' and General Literary and Scientific Institution
63 - Rules of the Charity of Infant Orphans
64 - Abraham De Sola sermons
65 - David Aaron De Sola sermons
66 - Society for Assisting Widows and Orphans
67 - Jewish Historical Society scrapbook
68 - Tratado de la Verdad de la Lei de Mose
69 - Joseph Solomon manuscript
70 - Minute book of the S A Jewish War Memorial and Guild Building Fund
71 - United Jewish Friendly Society reference book
72 - Order of service for circumcision
73 - Toldot Adam
74 - Targum shel Pesah
75 - Miscellaneous Hebrew works
76 - Seder Tikun Minhat Shovavim
77 - Hermann Boerhaave, "Collegium publicum de lue veneria" MS