Hierarchy Browser
NHNN - The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
A - Administrative records
1 - National Hospital Annual Reports, 1859-1947
2 - Annual Reports, 1903-1947
3 - Annual Reports, 1933-1944
4 - National Hospital Board of Management: minutes
5 - National Hospital Board of Governors: minutes
6 - Board of Governors: draft minutes
7 - Other hospitals: annual reports and rules
8 - Medical staff, Building Committee and Building Subcommittee: reconstruction of the Hospital - minutes
9 - National Hospital Medical Committee: minutes
10 - Medical Committee: papers
11 - Miscellaneous subcommittees: minutes
12 - House Committee: minutes
13 - House Committee: minutes
14 - Building Committee: minutes
15 - Subcommittees: minutes
16 - Medical Appointments Subcommittees: minutes
17 - Medical Committee Subcommittees: minutes
18 - Joint Subcommittees of Medical Committees: minutes
19 - Joint Subcommittee for Expenses Grants: records of grants
20 - Medical Priorities Committee: minutes
21 - Radiological Safety Committee: minutes
22 - Therapeutics Subcommittee: minutes
23 - Surgical Subcommittee: minutes
24 - Meetings of physicians: minutes
25 - Meetings of physicians: papers
26 - Hospital charter, rules and by-laws
27 - Secretary's charter, rules, by-laws etc
28 - Statutory rules and orders
29 - Acts of Parliament, Statutory rules and orders, by-laws etc
30 - Royal correspondence
31 - Secretary's letter book
32 - Paintings in the Hospital: papers
33 - Collected documents relating to the dispute between the medical staff and Board of Management
34 - Report by members of the medical staff to the Governors
35 - Committee of Inquiry chaired by Sir Edward Fry: papers
36 - Administrative papers relating to disputes between medical staff and Board of Management
37 - Medical Committee: letter of complaint from House Physicians
38 - Medical Committee: papers relating to patients' diet
39 - Reconstruction of the National Hospital: correspondence and papers
40 - Medical Committee: administrative papers
41 - Interdepartmental Committee on Nursing Services: questionnaire
42 - Finance of building scheme: papers
43 - Proposed nurses' home, 47-50 Guilford Street: papers
44 - General administration: papers
45 - Orders for Hospital equipment: papers
46 - General correspondence
47 - Nurses' accommodation: papers
48 - Financial position of the Hospital and possibility of amalgamation: papers
49 - Private patients: papers
50 - Suggested economies: papers
51 - General correspondence
52 - Centralised preliminary training school: papers
53 - Emergency medical services: papers
54 - Wartime arrangements: papers
55 - Accident books
56 - Annual statistics book
57 - The National Hospital - Chalfont Centre for Epilepsy: operational policies
58 - The National Hospital's College of Speech Sciences: records
59 - Paintings in hospitals: papers
1 - Register of paintings belonging to the Hospital
2 - Paintings in Hospitals: papers
3 - Paintings in Hospitals: papers
4 - Paintings in Hospitals: papers
5 - Paintings in Hospitals: papers
6 - Paintings in Hospitals: papers
60 - Maida Vale House Committee: minutes
61 - Maida Vale House Committee: papers
62 - Maida Vale Hospital Medical Committee: minutes
63 - Maida Vale Hospital Medical Committee: papers for meetings in 1957
64 - Board of Governors: agenda
65 - Miscellaneous administrative records
66 - Research Advisory Committee: minutes
67 - National Hospital Convalescent Home, East Finchley: schedule of condition and inventory of contents
68 - Letter from the Secretary, H Ewart Mitchell, to the Matron [Margery Ling]
69 - Photographic reproduction register
70 - Medical visitors books
71 - Queen Square Visitors Book
72 - Neuropathology Department, Maida Vale Hospital: Guest book
73 - General Management team: minutes 1994-1998
74 - Impulse: National Hospitals newsletters
CN - Case notes
EF - Events and fund-raising at the National Hospital
F - Financial records
FILM - Film
H - Health records
HIST - Historical records
LS - Ladies' Samaritan Society
N - National Hospital nursing records
NBA - National Brain Appeal
OBJ - Objects
P - Photographs
PC - Press cuttings
PROP - Property records
QS - Chartered Society of Queen Square
QST - Queen Square Gardens Trustees
RES - Research and clinical publications
S - National Hospital staff records
SCH - Schools