Hierarchy Browser
NHNN - The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
A - Administrative records
CN - Case notes
1 - Ramskill, Jabez Spence: case notes
2 - Gowers, William Richard; and Jackson, John Hughlings: case notes
3 - Radcliffe, Charles Bland: case notes
4 - Buzzard, Thomas: case notes
5 - Bastian, (Henry) Charlton: case notes
6 - Miscellaneous case notes (medical case registers)
7 - Broster, Arthur Erdswick: case notes
8 - Jackson, John Hughlings: case notes
9 - Gowers, Sir William Richard: case notes
10 - Radcliffe, Charles Bland; and Gowers, William Richard: case notes
11 - Ferrier, David; Bastian, (Henry) Charlton; and Gowers, William Richard: case notes
12 - Gowers, William Richard; and Bastian, (Henry) Charlton: case notes
13 - Ferrier, David: case notes
14 - Bastian, (Henry) Charlton; and Ramskill, Jabez Spence: case notes
15 - Buzzard, Thomas; and Beevor, Charles Edward: case notes
16 - Beevor, Charles Edward; and Ramskill, Jabez Spence: case notes
17 - Beevor, Charles Edward: case notes
18 - Ormerod, Joseph Arderne: case notes
19 - Tooth, Howard Henry: case notes
20 - Taylor, James: case notes
21 - Russell, James Samuel Risien: case notes
22 - Turner, William Aldren: case notes
23 - Batten, Frederick Eustace: case notes
24 - Collier, James Stansfield: case notes
25 - Buzzard, Sir (Edward) Farquhar: case notes
26 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes
1 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1908 - male and female
2 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1909 - male and female
3 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1910 - male and female
4 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1911 - male and female
5 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1912 - male and female
6 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1913 - male
7 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1913 - female
8 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1914 - male
9 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1914 - female
10 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1915 - male
11 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1915 - female
12 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1916 - male and female
13 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1917 - male and female
14 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1918 - male
15 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1918 - female
16 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1919 - male and female
17 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1920 - male
18 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1920 - female
19 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1921 - male
20 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1921 - female
21 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1922 - male
22 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1922 - female
23 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1923 - male and female
24 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1924 - male
25 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1924 - female
26 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1925 - male, A-L
27 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1925 - male, M-Z
28 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1925 - female
29 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1926 - male, A-K
30 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1926 - male, L-Z
31 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1926 - female, A-K
32 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1926 - female, L-Z
33 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1927 - male, A-K
34 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1927 - male, L-Z
35 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1927 - female, A-K
36 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1927 - female, L-Z
37 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1928 - male, A-K
38 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1928 - male, L-Z
39 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1928 - female, A-K
40 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1928 - female, L-Z
41 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1929 - male, A-K
42 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1929 - male, L-Z
43 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1929 - female, A-K
44 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1929 - female, L-Z
45 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1930 - male, A-K
46 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1930 - male, L-Z
47 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1930 - female, A-K
48 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1930 - female, L-Z
49 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1931 - male, A-K
50 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1931 - male, L-Z
51 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1931 - female, A-K
52 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1931 - female, L-Z
53 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1932 - male, A-K
54 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1932 - male, L-Z
55 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1932 - female, A-K
56 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1932 - female, L-Z
57 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1933 - male, A-K
58 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1933 - male, L-Z
59 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1933 - female, A-K
60 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1933 - female, L-Z
61 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1934 - male, A-K
62 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1934 - male, L-Z
63 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1934 - female, A-K
64 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1934 - female, L-Z
65 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1935 - male, A-K
66 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1935 - male, L-Z
67 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1935 - female, A-K
68 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1935 - female, L-Z
69 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1936 - male, A-K
70 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1936 - male, L-Z
71 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1936 - female, A-K
72 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1936 - female, L-Z
73 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1937 - male, A-K
74 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1937 - male, L-Z
75 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1937 - female, A-K
76 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1937 - female, L-Z
77 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1938 - male, A-K
78 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1938 - male, L-Z
79 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1938 - female, A-K
80 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1938 - female, L-Z
81 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1939 - male, A-J
82 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1939 - male, K-Z
83 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1939 - female, A-K
84 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1939 - female, L-Z
85 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1940 - male
86 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1940 - female
87 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1941 - male
88 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1941 - female, A-S
89 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, 1943 - female
27 - Holmes, Sir Gordon Morgan: case notes
28 - Wilson, Samuel Alexander Kinnier: case notes
29 - Howell, Conrad Meredyth Hinds: case notes
30 - Miscellaneous case notes
31 - Saunders, Percy Whittington: case notes
32 - Walshe, Sir Francis Martin Rouse: case notes
33 - Adie, William John: case notes
34 - Birley, James Leatham: case notes
35 - Riddoch, George: case notes
36 - Martin, James Purdon: case notes
37 - Symonds, Sir Charles Putnam: case notes
38 - Critchley, Macdonald: case notes
39 - Carmichael, Edward Arnold: case notes
40 - Denny-Brown, Derek Ernest: case notes
41 - Brinton, Denis Hubert: case notes
42 - Elkington, John St Clair: case notes
43 - Jackson, Harvey: case notes
44 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger; and Howell, Conrad Meredyth Hinds: case notes
45 - Howell, Conrad Meredyth Hinds; and Riddoch, George: case notes
46 - Stewart, Thomas Grainger; Hallpike, Charles Skinner; Jackson Harvey; and Hughes, E B C: case notes
47 - Miscellaneous case notes
48 - Hallpike, Charles Skinner: case notes
49 - Hallpike, Charles Skinner; McArdle, Michael John Francis; Meadows, Swithin Pinder; Slater, Eliot Trevor Oakeshott; and Williams, Denis John: case notes
50 - Hardwick, H L T J; McKissock, Wylie; and Taylor, Julian: case notes
51 - Jewesbury, Eric: case notes
EF - Events and fund-raising at the National Hospital
F - Financial records
FILM - Film
H - Health records
HIST - Historical records
LS - Ladies' Samaritan Society
N - National Hospital nursing records
NBA - National Brain Appeal
OBJ - Objects
P - Photographs
PC - Press cuttings
PROP - Property records
QS - Chartered Society of Queen Square
QST - Queen Square Gardens Trustees
RES - Research and clinical publications
S - National Hospital staff records
SCH - Schools