Hierarchy Browser
NHNN - The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
A - Administrative records
CN - Case notes
EF - Events and fund-raising at the National Hospital
F - Financial records
FILM - Film
H - Health records
1 - Brown-Squard, Charles douard and Radcliffe, Charles Bland: record of the treatment of patients
2 - National Hospital Post mortem registers
3 - Diet: papers
4 - Rules for in-patients and notice to outpatients
5 - Descriptive publications for patients
6 - Patient's notes: Goldsmith, Mary
7 - Patient's notes: Bennett, Joseph
8 - Hurstwood Park Hospital: patient records
9 - Outpatients: daily summary of attendances at the National Hospital
10 - National Hospital Radiographic registers
11 - National Hospital clinical pathological registers
12 - Clinical pathological report books
13 - Blood counts ledger
14 - Maida Vale Hospital: medical staff attendance books
15 - Nursing and non-medical staff: treatment record book
16 - Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): muscular disorders - records
17 - Reports: blood etc - records
18 - Spinal tumours: records
19 - Clinical Pathological Laboratory: outpatients' laboratory tests books
20 - X-Ray Department Queen Square: anaesthetics registers
21 - X-Ray Department Maida Vale Hospital: anaesthetics registers
22 - Neuro-radiology register
23 - Neuro-radiology registers
24 - Specimen analysis (miscellaneous) registers
25 - Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood: registers
26 - Greenfield, Joseph Godwin: outside cases
27 - Films on loan: register
28 - Skull films: register
29 - Maida Vale Hospital: autopsy register
30 - Patient register
31 - Maida Vale Hospital: patient register
32 - Maida Vale Hospital: scan and X-Ray registers
33 - Maida Vale Hospital: Floor Two - patient admission registers
34 - Maida Vale Hospital: Floor One - patient admission registers
35 - Maida Vale Hospital: Surgical Ward Floor Two - patient admission register
36 - Maida Vale Hospital: patient registers
1 - Maida Vale Hospital: patient register
2 - Maida Vale Hospital: patient register
3 - Maida Vale Hospital: patient register
4 - Maida Vale Hospital: patient register
37 - Maida Vale Hospital: Wilfred Harris Ward - patient admission registers
38 - Maida Vale Hospital: Dettmar Ward - patient admission registers
39 - Maida Vale Hospital: Recovery Ward - patient admission registers
40 - Albany Ward: patient admission registers
41 - Chandler Ward: patient admission registers
42 - David Ferrier Ward: patient admission register
43 - Nuffield Ward: patient admission registers
44 - National Hospital Outpatient registers
45 - Hospital charges book
46 - Outpatient statistics book
47 - Clinic registration book
48 - Maida Vale Hospital: patient admission register
49 - Drawing of cells
50 - Patient's notes: Peake, Mervyn
51 - Operation books and theatre registers
52 - Sir Walter Morley Fletcher's collection of World War 1 case notes
HIST - Historical records
LS - Ladies' Samaritan Society
N - National Hospital nursing records
NBA - National Brain Appeal
OBJ - Objects
P - Photographs
PC - Press cuttings
PROP - Property records
QS - Chartered Society of Queen Square
QST - Queen Square Gardens Trustees
RES - Research and clinical publications
S - National Hospital staff records
SCH - Schools