Hierarchy Browser
NHNN - The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
A - Administrative records
CN - Case notes
EF - Events and fund-raising at the National Hospital
F - Financial records
FILM - Film
H - Health records
HIST - Historical records
1 - The Chandlers: historical records
1 - The Chandlers: historical records
2 - Chandler, Louisa: 'Poems by Louisa Chandler' - enclosed papers
3 - Poem by Johanna Chandler
4 - Photographs: Chandlers
2 - Hamilton, Godfrey Heathcote: 'Tales of the National' - papers
3 - Critchley, Macdonald: 'Queen Square and the National Hospital 1860-1960' - records
4 - Krabbe, Knud: 'Impressions from a London Hospital'
5 - History of the National Hospital: synopses and articles
6 - History of the National Hospital: Secretary's correspondence
7 - Historical sources: copies of original documents
8 - Hospital crest: records
9 - Hospital records: lists
10 - Hospital memoirs, staff
11 - Hospital memoirs, patients
12 - Printed drawings of Hospital exteriors
13 - National Hospital and Queen Square: images
14 - Exhibitions: records
15 - Windows on Main Staircase, West Wing of Hospital: correspondence
16 - Letter from David Ferrier
17 - Print of engraved portrait of David Wire
18 - Jackson, John Hughlings: collected items
19 - Transcript of address on the subject of botany in medicine
20 - Notes on the Board of Management and the admission of women
21 - Notes on slide boxes; catalogue of photographs
22 - Reproduced photographs of the Hospital and members of the medical staff
23 - Miscellaneous reproduced photographs of members of the medical staff
24 - Holmes, Gordon: 'The National Hospital Queen Square 1860-1948' - papers
25 - Holmes, Gordon: inventory of contents of medical bag
26 - Critchley, Macdonald: papers
27 - Murray, T J (Jock): paper entitled 'Canadians at Queen Square'
28 - Functional disorders: research papers
29 - Queen Square: history
30 - Ladies' Samaritan Society: history
31 - Jackson, John Hughlings: collected items
32 - Greenfield, Joseph Godwin: copy of case notes
33 - National Society for the Employment of Epileptics: copy of donor's letter from J Passmore Edwards, 24 January 1893
35 - Articles on Queen Square history
36 - Film footage of Queen Square in 1930s
37 - Sir Victor Horsley papers
38 - Brown-Sequard collection
39 - History of nursing education at the National Hospital
40 - Embroidered minds of the Morris Women: a novel: part one: don't remember
41 - Gilliatt: photographs and correspondence
42 - Photographs and correspondence related to MS Meeting in honour of Ian McDonald
43 - Harry: an illustrated biography of Walter Henry Gough-Cooper
44 - They called it shell shock: combat stress in the First World War; by Stefanie Linden
45 - Hurstwood Park Neurological Centre: three-quarters of a century of neuroscience in Sussex by John Rees
46 - Breaking bounds: six Newnham lives
47 - Shorthand diaries of William Richard Gowers
48 - Shorthand diary of William Richard Gowers
49 - Remembering Gerald Stern
50 - Book of photographs of NHNN, focusing on the Postgraduate School of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing class of 1963
51 - Impact! Brain Injuries and WW1
52 - A year in Queen Square 1967-68.
53 - Hospital Administration; Hospital Accountacy and Finance; by Geoffrey Robinson
54 - Thrombo-phlebites cerebrales
55 - E.Graeme Robertson: Physician, Photographer, Preserver by Denis Robertson
56 - Nursing a Nation: An anthology of African and Caribbean Contributions to Britain’s Health Services
57 - Sir Victor Horsley papers
58 - National Hospital leaving present
59 - Henry Bertram Morton papers
LS - Ladies' Samaritan Society
N - National Hospital nursing records
NBA - National Brain Appeal
OBJ - Objects
P - Photographs
PC - Press cuttings
PROP - Property records
QS - Chartered Society of Queen Square
QST - Queen Square Gardens Trustees
RES - Research and clinical publications
S - National Hospital staff records
SCH - Schools