Hierarchy Browser
PEARSON - Karl Pearson Papers
1 - Personal and Family Papers
2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes
3 - Literary and Scientific Work
4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics
5 - Weldon Papers
6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers
1 - MSS of George Udny Yule
2 - F Howard Collins: Working Papers and Correspondence
3 - Working Papers of Karl Pearson's Colleagues
4 - William Sealy Gosset: Notebooks, MSS and Correspondence
5 - Working Papers of Karl Pearson's Colleagues
6 - Ethel Mary Elderton: Working Papers, Data and MSS
7 - Working Papers of Karl Pearson's Colleagues
1 - Papers on the Correlation Coefficient for Normal Correlation
2 - MS on Non-Linear Regression
3 - Papers relating to Abutments of Arches
4 - Anthropological Notes on the South African Mine Labourer
5 - Papers relating to the Indigent Blind Visiting Society
1 - Sample Data on Blind Patients
2 - Seventy-Fifth Annual Report of the Indigent Blind Visiting Society
3 - Letters from John Tennant
6 - Papers relating to Humerus Bones
7 - Papers relating to Brachydactyly
8 - Papers relating to Harold Rischbieth
9 - Papers relating to Tuberculosis Statistics
8 - Work on Familial Learning Difficulties
9 - Diagrams for Lecture on Lambert Adolphe Jacques Qutelet by Ethel Mary Newbold
10 - Major Greenwood: Notes and MSS
11 - H E Soper: MSS and Working Papers
12 - Working Papers of Karl Pearson's Colleagues
13 - Edward Nettleship: Papers and Correspondence
14 - Papers Relating to Tracts for Computers
15 - Working Papers of Karl Pearson's Colleagues
7 - Biometrika Papers
8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers
10 - Acquired Papers
11 - General Correspondence