Hierarchy Browser
PENROSE - L S Penrose Papers
1 - Personal and Family Papers
1 - Papers about the Peckover and Penrose Families
2 - Acquired Papers and Relics
3 - L S Penrose Childhood Material
4 - The First World War
5 - Chess
6 - Music
7 - Puzzles
8 - Artwork and Photographs
9 - Legal Documents
10 - Shakespeare's Knowledge of Medicine
11 - Moving Grids
12 - Thorington Hall Records
13 - Royalties, Fees and Subscriptions
1 - University of Aberdeen
2 - Animal Breeding Research Organisation
3 - Societe des Amis de la Bibliotheque Nationale et des Grandes Bibliotheques de France
4 - Averys Limited
5 - Standing Orders
6 - Barclays Bank Ltd.
7 - British Broadcasting Corporation
8 - British Medical Association
9 - British Universities' Chess Association
10 - Butterworth & Co.
11 - University of Cambridge
12 - Chambers's Encyclopaedia
13 - Charing Cross Hospital Medical School
14 - University of Chicago
15 - J & A Churchill Ltd.
16 - Colchester New Theatre Trust
17 - University of Copenhagen
18 - Curzon, Rix and Co.
19 - University of Delhi
20 - University of Durham
21 - University of Edinburgh
22 - The Eugenics Society
23 - Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique
24 - University of Glasgow
25 - Granada TV Network Ltd.
26 - North West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board
27 - Heinemann Educational Books Ltd.
28 - London Borough of Hendon
29 - Highland Medical Society
30 - H K Lewis & Co., Ltd.
31 - Hutchinson & Co.
32 - Imperial College of Science and Technology
33 - Jack Brodie
34 - Jordans Village Ltd.
35 - Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
36 - The Lancet
37 - Midland M D Society
38 - LLoyds Bank, pp Rijksuniversiteit, Leiden
39 - Lexden Garden Village Limited
40 - University of Liverpool
41 - Logos Press Ltd
42 - University of London
43 - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
44 - Macmillan and Co., Ltd.
45 - University of Manchester
46 - Society of Medical Officers of Health
47 - Medical Research Council
48 - Midland Society for the Study of Mental Subnormality
49 - Bank of Montreal
50 - Moray House College of Education
51 - Museum Book Store Ltd.
52 - National Council of Social Service Benevolent Fund
53 - National Provincial Bank Limited
54 - Macmillan and Co., Ltd (re: Nature)
55 - Institute of Neurology
56 - New Scientist
57 - Nursing Mirror and Midwives Journal
58 - Oliver & Boyd Ltd.
59 - Ontario Hospital Association
60 - University of Oxford
61 - Penguin Books Ltd.
62 - H Pordes
63 - British Postgraduate Medical Federation (University of London)
64 - Queen's University of Belfast
65 - Ronald Press Company
66 - Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons
67 - Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine
68 - Royal Insurance Group
69 - Royal Society
70 - St Christopher School Estate Ltd.
71 - Scientific American
72 - University of Sheffield
73 - Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd.
74 - University of Singapore
75 - Sotheby & Co.
76 - Statens Medicinska Forskningsråd [Sweden]
77 - Stoke Mandeville Hospital
78 - Swets & Zeitlinger
79 - Tavistock Publications Ltd.
80 - Thomas Books
81 - The Times
82 - University of Toronto
83 - University College Hospital Medical School
84 - University College London
85 - War Resisters' International
86 - William Dawson & Sons Ltd.
87 - World Health Organization
14 - Waterhouse and Co. Correspondence
15 - Chalmers, Wade & Co. Correspondence
16 - Banking Correspondence
17 - Honours and Awards
18 - Material Relating to Awards and Honours
19 - Medals Awarded to L S Penrose
20 - L S Penrose Biographical Material
2 - Work-Related Material
3 - Correspondence