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Collapse PENROSE - L S Penrose PapersPENROSE - L S Penrose Papers
Expand 1 - Personal and Family Papers1 - Personal and Family Papers
Collapse 2 - Work-Related Material2 - Work-Related Material
Expand 1 - Work Relating to St. John's College, Cambridge1 - Work Relating to St. John's College, Cambridge
Expand 2 - Other Material Relating to St. John's College, Cambridge and St. Thomas's Hospital, London2 - Other Material Relating to St. John's College, Cambridge and St. Thomas's Hospital, London
Expand 3 - Student Essays and Notes3 - Student Essays and Notes
Expand 4 - Moral Sciences Essays4 - Moral Sciences Essays
Expand 5 - Material Relating to the Study of Mental Illness and Crime5 - Material Relating to the Study of Mental Illness and Crime
Expand 6 - Work for Peace, War as a Disease and the Pathology of Crowd Behaviour6 - Work for Peace, War as a Disease and the Pathology of Crowd Behaviour
Expand 7 - Problems in Mathematical Statistics7 - Problems in Mathematical Statistics
Expand 8 - Differentiating Between Classes8 - Differentiating Between Classes
Expand 9 - Statistics in Psychiatry and Biology9 - Statistics in Psychiatry and Biology
Expand 10 - Reviews and Obituaries by L S Penrose10 - Reviews and Obituaries by L S Penrose
Expand 11 - Administrative Papers and Correspondence Relating to Institutions where L S Penrose Worked11 - Administrative Papers and Correspondence Relating to Institutions where L S Penrose Worked
Expand 12 - Automatic Mechanical Self-Replication12 - Automatic Mechanical Self-Replication
Expand 13 - Papers Relating to John Burdon Sanderson Haldane13 - Papers Relating to John Burdon Sanderson Haldane
Expand 14 - Lectures, Broadcasts and Talks14 - Lectures, Broadcasts and Talks
Expand 15 - Papers on Psychoanalysis15 - Papers on Psychoanalysis
Expand 16 - Papers Relating to Penrose's Work at Cardiff City Mental Hospital16 - Papers Relating to Penrose's Work at Cardiff City Mental Hospital
Expand 17 - Papers Relating to Penrose's Work at the Royal Eastern Counties' Institution, Colchester17 - Papers Relating to Penrose's Work at the Royal Eastern Counties' Institution, Colchester
Expand 18 - Papers Relating to Mental Defect and The Influence of Heredity on Disease18 - Papers Relating to Mental Defect and The Influence of Heredity on Disease
Expand 19 - Papers Relating to The Colchester Survey19 - Papers Relating to The Colchester Survey
Expand 20 - Down's Syndrome20 - Down's Syndrome
Expand 21 - Pyloric Stenosis21 - Pyloric Stenosis
Expand 22 - Intelligence, Perception Tests and Preference Testing22 - Intelligence, Perception Tests and Preference Testing
Expand 23 - Sex Incidence in Mental Disease and Genetic Sex-Linkage23 - Sex Incidence in Mental Disease and Genetic Sex-Linkage
Expand 24 - Genetic Problems in Obstetrics24 - Genetic Problems in Obstetrics
25 - Notes on Shock Therapy
Expand 26 - Familial Psychosis26 - Familial Psychosis
Expand 27 - Inheritance of Huntington's Chorea27 - Inheritance of Huntington's Chorea
Expand 28 - Biochemical Genetics28 - Biochemical Genetics
Expand 29 - Genetics in Paediatrics29 - Genetics in Paediatrics
Expand 30 - The Biology of Mental Defect30 - The Biology of Mental Defect
Expand 31 - Measurement of Fitness31 - Measurement of Fitness
Expand 32 - Heterosis, Hybrid Vigour and Genetic Equilibrium32 - Heterosis, Hybrid Vigour and Genetic Equilibrium
Expand 33 - Eugenics33 - Eugenics
Expand 34 - Royal Commission on the Law Relating to Mental Illness and Mental Deficiency34 - Royal Commission on the Law Relating to Mental Illness and Mental Deficiency
Collapse 35 - Genetical Effects of Radiation35 - Genetical Effects of Radiation
Expand 1 - Offprints1 - Offprints
2 - Press Cuttings from The Times
Expand 3 - Papers for Lectures3 - Papers for Lectures
Collapse 4 - Papers of the Medical Research Council Committee on the Medical Aspects of Nuclear Radiation4 - Papers of the Medical Research Council Committee on the Medical Aspects of Nuclear Radiation
1 - Memorandum on "The Experimental Animal for Study of the Biological Effects of Radiation"
2 - Memorandum on "The Effect of Radiation on Populations"
3 - Memorandum on "The Types of Genetics Effects Produced in Ionising Radiations"
4 - Memorandum on "Evidence on the Importance of Ionizing Radiations as an Aetiological Factor in Leukemia"
5 - Memorandum on "The Late Effects of Occupational and Therapeutic Exposure to External Radiation"
6 - Memorandum on Gene Mutation in Man
7 - Memorandum on "Spontaneous and Radiation-Induced Mutation"
8 - Memorandum on "Estimates of the Mutation-Rate-Doubling Radiation Dose"
9 - Memorandum on the Genetic Effect on the Human Population of Continual Low-Level Radiation
10 - Memorandum on the Genetic Effect on the Human Population of a High Radiation Dose
11 - Memorandum on "Summary of the Results of the Danish Thorotrast Investigation"
12 - Memorandum on "The Acute Effects of Radiation in Man"
13 - Memorandum on the Hazards Associated with Mining Radioactive Ores
14 - Memorandum on "The Findings of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission"
15 - Memorandum on Leukaemogenic Effect of Test Thermonuclear Explosions
16 - Memorandum on "Naturally Occurring Radioactivity of the Atmosphere"
17 - Memorandum on Incidence of Leukaemia in Patients Suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis, Treated with X-Rays
18 - Minutes of the Panel on Genetic Effects, First Meeting
19 - Minutes of the Panel on Individual Effects, First Meeting
20 - Memorandum on "The Effect of Penetrating Radiation on Human Fertility"
21 - Memorandum on the Radiation Dose/Mutation Rate Law
22 - Memorandum on Tumour Induction by Penetrating Radiation
23 - Memorandum on the Genetic Effects of Exposing Population to Radiation Dose of 50r
24 - Memorandum on "Dosage to Human Tissues from Natural Sources of Ionizing Radiation"
25 - Memorandum on Deriving a Dose-Response Relationship for Leukaemogenic Effects of Radiation
26 - Memorandum on "Estimates of the Integral Dose in the Red Bone Marrow"
27 - Agenda for the Panel on Individual Effects, Second Meeting
28 - Agenda for the Panel on Genetic Effects, Second Meeting
29 - Memorandum on the Long-Term Effects of Radiation on Human Populations
30 - Memorandum on Death from Aplastic Anaemia in Patients Suffering from Spondylitis and Treated with X-Rays
31 - Memorandum on the 'Doubling Dose' in Man
32 - Memorandum on "The Effect of Radiations on the Development of the Human Conceptus"
33 - Minutes of the Panel on Individual Effects, Second Meeting
34 - Memorandum on Refractory Anaemia in Nagasaki
35 - Memorandum on "'Aplastic' Anaemia in Experimental Animals"
36 - Memorandum on the Relationship between X-Ray Dose and Leukaemia Incidence
37 - Memorandum on Occurance of Cancer of the Pharynx following X-Ray Treatment"
38 - "A Note on J B S Haldane's Memorandum on the Long-Term Effects of Radiation on Human Populations"
39 - Memorandum on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation and Radiomimetic Chemical Agents
40 - Memorandum on "Ionizing Radiation and Carcinogenesis"
41 - Memorandum on Non-Segregating Traits in Man
42 - Memorandum on Malformations at Birth and Relation to Fresh Mutation
43 - Memorandum of Comments on Papers Circulated at First Meeting of Panel on Individual Effects
44 - Agenda for the Panel on Individual Effects, Third Meeting
45 - Memorandum on Radioactive Fallout
46 - Memorandum on a Proposed Survey of Causes of Death amongst Patients Treated with X-Rays for Ankylosing Spondylitis
47 - Memorandum on "The Importance of Genetic Factors in 'Normal' Men and Animals"
48 - Minutes of the Panel on Genetic Effects, Second Meeting
49 - Corrigendum to Memorandum on Genetic Effects of Exposing Population to Radiation Dose of 50r
50 - Memorandum on Procedure
51 - Note on Chairman's Memorandum by Penrose
52 - Agenda for the Panel on Genetic Effects, Third Meeting
53 - Minutes of the Panel on Individual Effects, Third Meeting
54 - Minutes of the Panel on Genetic Effects, Third Meeting
55 - Memorandum on Mortality and Carcinogenesis in Female CBA Mice given Subacute and Chronic Irradiation
56 - Memorandum on Problems Arising in the Relationship between Ionising Radiations and Carcinogenesis in Mammals
57 - Agenda for the Panel on Individual Effects, Fourth Meeting
58 - Memorandum on Bone Tumours
59 - Memorandum on "The Genetic Problem of Irradiated Human Populations"
60 - Memorandum on "The Genetic Effect of Radiation on Human Populations"
61 - Agenda for the Panel on Genetic Effects, Fourth Meeting
62 - Memorandum on "Therapeutic Irradiation of Pregnant Women in Relation to Developmental Defects in Children"
63 - Minutes of the Panel on Individual Effects, Fourth Meeting
64 - Memorandum on "The Dose-Response Relation for Leukaemia Produced by Experimental Whole-Body Irradiation"
65 - Memorandum on Association of Irradiation with Thyroid Cancer in Young People
66 - Minutes of the Panel on Genetic Effects, Fourth Meeting
67 - Memorandum on Hypothetical Effects of Doubling Mutation Rate with Reference to Schizophrenia
68 - Memorandum on Hypothetical Effects of Doubling Mutation Rate with Reference to Severe Learning Difficulties
69 - Memorandum on "Gonad Radiation Doses per Generation in Great Britain"
70 - Memorandum on Estimates of the Effect of Doubling Mutation Rate
71 - Agenda for the Panel on Genetic Effects, Fifth Meeting
72 - Memorandum on Mutation Rate on Characters Showing Continuous Variation with Special Reference to IQ
73 - Offprint "Studies on Nagasaki (Japan) Children Exposed 'In Utero' to the Atomic Bomb"
74 - Memorandum on "Total Doses Received by X-Ray Diagnostic and Therapy Personnel"
75 - Memorandum on Skin and Gonad Doses from Radioactive Watch Dials
76 - Memorandum on Radiation Cataract
77 - Memorandum on Developmental Defects in Japanese Children Exposed In Utero to the Atomic Bomb
78 - Agenda for the Panel of Individual Effects, Fifth Meeting
79 - Memorandum on the Genetic Effects of the Atomic Explosion in Nagasaki
80 - Minutes of the Panel on Genetic Effects, Fifth Meeting
81 - Agenda for the Panel on Genetic Effects, Sixth Meeting
82 - Memorandum on Points of Agreement
83 - Memorandum on the Effect of Altering Mutation Rate on Incidence of Affective Psychosis
84 - Memorandum on Effect of Increased Mutation Rate on Incidence of Severe Disabilities
85 - Offprint "Outcome of Pregnancy in Women Exposed to the Atomic Bomb in Nagasaki"
86 - Offprint "Anomalies Occurring in Children Exposed In Utero to the Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima"
87 - Minutes of the Panel on Individual Effects, Fifth Meeting
88 - Memorandum on "Relation between Radon Concentration and Lung Cancer"
89 - Memorandum on Effect of Exposure to Atomic Bombs on Pregnancy Termination in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
90 - Memorandum on "National Survey of Congenital Malformations Resulting from Exposure to Roentgen Radiation"
91 - Memorandum on Leukaemia amongst American Radiologists
92 - Minutes of the Panel on Genetic Effects, Sixth Meeting
93 - Memorandum Summarising Paper on Effect of Atomic Bombs on Pregnancy Termination in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
94 - Agenda for the Panel on Genetic Effects, Seventh Meeting
95 - Minutes of the Panel on Genetic Effects, Twelfth Meeting
96 - Note on Effect of Radiation on Human Mutation
97 - Offprint "Genetical Effects of Radiations from Products of Nuclear Explosions"
98 - TS "Note on Calculations of the 'Doubling Dose' for Spontaneous Mutations"
99 - TS "Notes on the Effect of Increased Mutation Rate upon the Incidence of Severe Disabilities"
100 - Additional Note on Estimation of Mutation Rate in Man
101 - TS "Note on the Effect of Altering Mutation Rate upon the Incidence of Affective Psychosis"
102 - TS of "Suggestions for the Use of Certain Memoranda which Indicate Possible Effects of Radiation upon Incidence of Various Diseases"
103 - Article on the Dangers of Systematic Use of X-Rays
104 - Notes on Health and Radiology
105 - Offprint "The Effect of Exposure to the Atomic Bombs on Pregnancy Termination in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Preliminary Report"
106 - Addenda to "Memorandum on Gene Mutation in Man"
107 - Note Amplifying Memorandum on Gene Mutation in Man
108 - List of Invitees to Committee on the Medical Aspects of Nuclear Radiation
Expand 5 - TS Reports on Gene Mutation5 - TS Reports on Gene Mutation
Expand 6 - Correspondence6 - Correspondence
7 - A Case of Microcephaly Following Maternal Therapeutic Radiation
Expand 36 - Parental Age and Genetic Mutation36 - Parental Age and Genetic Mutation
Expand 37 - Penrose's Lectures and Published Works37 - Penrose's Lectures and Published Works
Expand 38 - Outline of Human Genetics38 - Outline of Human Genetics
Expand 39 - Central Nervous System Malformations39 - Central Nervous System Malformations
Expand 40 - Ichthyosis hystrix; "The Porcupine Man"40 - Ichthyosis hystrix; "The Porcupine Man"
Expand 41 - Chromosomes in Man41 - Chromosomes in Man
Expand 42 - Dermatoglyphics42 - Dermatoglyphics
Expand 43 - Papers on Chromosomes and Dermatoglyphics43 - Papers on Chromosomes and Dermatoglyphics
Expand 44 - A New Treatment for Leukaemia44 - A New Treatment for Leukaemia
Expand 45 - Miscellaneous Research Notes and Papers45 - Miscellaneous Research Notes and Papers
Expand 46 - Works by Others46 - Works by Others
Expand 3 - Correspondence3 - Correspondence